Call from the political parties to the international community 2020-06-16 11:17:52 NEWS CENTER -  A joint statement was made by  by dozens of political parties and forces and representatives of the components of northeast of Syria.  32 parties and political movements in the North and East of Syria, made a joint statement regarding the air attacks made by Turkey against Shengal and Maxmur.   The statement is as follows:    ""In continuation of its flagrant violation of the sovereignty of Iraq, and in order to persist in targeting the Kurdish people and their cause, and in conjunction with the memory of the brutal genocides of "Seyfo" by the Ottomans against the Assyrian-Chaldean Syriac people in 1915 AD ... the Turkish Air Force launched yesterday midnight, 15 June more than twenty air strikes on locations in Şengal, Mexmûr and others in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.   This military operation carried out by the Turkish forces is an affirmation of the systematic policy of the Turkish regime in targeting the aspirations and rights of the peoples of the region, and its endeavor to implement its expansionist plans, by spreading, adopting, and investing extremist Brotherhood ideas in implementing these aggressive agendas, and by spreading chaos in Syria, Libya, Iraq and other Countries are only the product of these policies.   What contributes to the persistence of the Turkish regime in the implementation of its successive attacks on the Kurdish people and the peoples of the region is the international silence towards them. Turkey's occupation of Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî and other Syrian regions came in this context as well.   We are in the parties, political forces, and representatives of the components of northern and eastern Syria, while we condemn this blatant Turkish aggression against the Kurds in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. We also appeal to the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq to do everything possible to prevent the recurrence of such aggressive Turkish violations of the borders of Iraq and the region.   We also affirm that the best response to us towards Turkish conspiracy schemes is to stand together with all its components in the face of the people of the region and the uprising in the face of the occupier, and to work together to strengthen the state of civil peace and coexistence, and without a doubt this is what haunts the Turkish racist mentality that fears the transmission of liberal thought to Its lands mourning under the weight of arbitrary chauvinist actions against the Turkish people.   Here it is worth noting that the success of the Commander-in-Chief's initiative of the Syrian Democratic Forces aimed at achieving Kurdish reconciliation will serve as a cornerstone for the launch of a political solution to the Syrian crisis as a whole, which Turkey is working to thwart. Therefore, the Kurdish brothers in the political movement should take care and guard against such attempts.   Glory and eternity to our martyrs   Shame and disgrace to Turkish aggression   June 15 2020   Political forces in northern and eastern Syria signed the statement:   Syria Future Party   National Coordination Authority   Movement for Democratic Change   The Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria (Al-Party).   Democratic Union Party   Syriac Union Party   Kurdistan Democratic Peace Party   The Assyrian Democratic Party   The Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party   The Kurdish Left Party in Syria   The Kurdistan Liberal Union   Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria   The Communist Party of Kurdistan   The Kurdish Democratic Left Party in Syria   Kurdistan National Rally Party   Kurdistan Democratic Change Party   Kurdistan Renewal Movement   Kurdistan Workers Union   The Arab National Authority   The Democratic Conservative Party   The Party of Modernity and Democracy of Syria   Kurdistan Green Party   Syrian Kurdish Democratic Accord Party   Kurdish Democratic Al-Wahda Party in Syria (Yekiti)   The Reform Movement - Syria   Kurdistan fraternity Party   The Kurdish Democratic Roj Party in Syria The Democratic Society Movement   Kongra Star   Democratic Struggle Party   The Kurdistan Republican Party"