Specialized Seargeant M.O accused of rape claims to be intoxicated 2020-07-22 15:24:32   BATMAN - Speacialized Sergaent Musa O who was released from custody, being accused of raping İ.E, causing her to commit suicide, stated that he was intoxicated at the time.    'I HAD BEEN DRINKING'   While I.E is fighting for her life since July 16 in the hospital she was taken, Specialized Seargeant Musa O. was released with judicial control measures by the Siirt Criminal Court of Peace on duty where he was accused of 'aggravated sexual abuse'. M.O who refused he sexually assaulted I.E, was questioned about the Forensic Medicine Institude report, that proves I.E was raped. It was learned that specialized sergeant Musa O. defended himself by saying he had been drinking.    FAMILY APPLIED TO IHD   I.E's family applied to Humans' Rights Association (İHD) Batman Branch for legal support.  It was also stated that upon the request of the family, IHD applied to the Siirt Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of National Defense and the Parliamentary Human Rights Commission, and requested information about the investigation and the incident.   TREATMENT CONTINUES AT THE HOSPITAL   I.E who explained why she committed suicide with a letter she left behind, is being treated at a private hospital. According to the information obtained from the Chief Physician, she is still at life risk, she is entubated and she is partially conscience. Explainin that I.E's surviving is their main priority, Chief Phsyician told that she has a risk of being paralyzed.   SOLDIER IN CIZRE MADE THE SAME DEFENSE   Specialist sergeant Aslan A., who had sexually abused a child last week in Cizre district of Şırnak, also told that he had been drinking and he was intoxicated.