Strike action from health care workers in Diyarbakır 2020-08-20 15:29:26   DİYARBAKIR - SES Diyarbakır members stopped working for an hour in order to draw attention to the personal rights of health workers, working under very difficult conditions and put a 'donation box' for the Ministry of Health'.   Members of the Health and Social Service Workers Union (SES) Diyarbakır Branch carried out a one-hour work stoppage and sit-in at Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital, drawing attention to the difficult working conditions and demanding fair wages.   POLICE: GO BE HEARD ON SOCIAL MEDIA, NOT HERE   There was a debate between the police and health workers who wanted to prevent the action. The police chief in charge argued that the action planned to be carried out was "against the Constitution and the law number 2911" and demanded that the workers 'go be heard on social media' and not there. Making a statement before the sit-in action, SES Branch Secretary Eyüp Ay stated that the voices of healthcare workers were not heard by the authorities and said, “The Ministry makes statements as if they are making fun of us. We will not accept this. We will be heard.   'GOVERNMENT MUST TAKE MEASURES'   Branch Manager Gönül Adıbelli stated that the promises given to healthcare professionals during the first days of the pandemic were not fulfilled and said: "Are the measures taken sufficient? No they're not. Government has to take measures. We have lost 2 of our physician friends in Diyarbakır and Urfa in the last week."   Stating that they are carrying out this action to be heard, Adıbelli said they will continue to do so tomorrow at the same place.    THEY PUT A DONATION BOX FOR THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH   After the speech, the health care workers staged a sit in. In order to draw attention to the low wages, health are workers left a donation box on behalf of the Ministry of Health and put a few coins in it.