Abassanova: Russia and Turkey has the potential to turn Karabakh into Syria 2020-10-10 09:56:32 ANKARA - Journalist and peace activist Zamira Abassanova who was born in Armenia and grew up in Azerbaijan stated that the involvement of Russia and Turkey is considered to be a threat to peace for the peace community and peace can only be achieved by the two countries who will keep living side by side.    The clashes between Armenia and the Azerbaijani army that started on September 27 in Nagorno-Karabakh continue. Zamira Abassanova, a journalist and a peace activist who has been following the events in the region for a long time, made evaluations to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA).   RUSSIA PLAYS ON BOTH SIDES   Underlining that the history of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict goes back 26 years and after a ceasefire that lasted 26 years, it re- emerged and caused the deaths of hundreds of civilians and soldiers from both sides, Zamira Abassanova, journalist and a peace activist said: "Currently we are on its 10th day and the war is not likely to stop until international community steps up. OSCE Minsk group that has been involved in monitoring the situation since 1994 has proved itself inefficient leaving both sides in complete mistrust towards the peaceful resolution of the conflict. If you ask me, the current escalation is a result of inefficiency and insincerity of the international community that has been fooling both countries for all these years. Peace would have been possible if Russia would stop meddling with the South Caucasus, France and USA stop giving all the power to Russia to lead the negotiations. Russia has been playing both sides since the beginning of the war. Russia has sold guns for both Armenia and Azerbaijan while at the same time calling both parties to negotiate peacefully. Hypocritical attitude of Russia has lead both countries to this disaster we are experiencing today and unfortunately nationalism rhetorics on the rise in both countries, no one is able to clearly see the role of Russia in the escalations."   TURKEY HAS A LONG LASTING INVOLVEMENT IN THIS CONFLICT   Adding that Turkey has been involved in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for a long time and has been threatened by Russia back in 1992 that if it does not withdraw, a full scale war was on the page, Abassanova said: "Back then it worked until it did not apparently. On 27th of September, Erdogan gave a clear message to the people of Azerbaijan that no matter what happens, it is behind the country with full support. Couple days into the war, Armenian media has shared that the Turkish fighter jet has shot down Armenian war plane killing the pilot. Both Turkey and Azerbaijan have denied the fact.  Armenian community has perceived it as a threat to Armenian nations existence in the earth and called the international community to stop the “potential genocide” towards Armenian people."    CANADIAN FOREIGN MINISTER'S STATEMENT INDICATED THAT TURKEY WAS INVOLVED   Stating that a similar thing happened with Canada's drones, Abassanova said: "Another incident has been about Canadia produced drones being have been used during the current war by Azerbaijan. Followed by Armenian community’s continuous requests, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Francois Philippe Champagne has launched an investigation which confirmed that Canada indeed is the producer of the alleged drones but they have never been sold to Azerbaijan, rather to Turkey. In response, Turkey’s Erdogan has responded that, “In truth, lending support to Azerbaijan's struggle to liberate territories that have been occupied is the duty of every honourable nation. It is not possible for the world to reach lasting peace and calm without getting rid of bandit states and their bandit leaders.”   IF THE RUMOURS ABOUT THE MERCENERIES COMING FROM RUSSIA IS PROVED, IT HAS THE POTENTIAL OF OPENING A DOOR TO THE REGION FOR RUSSIA   Mentioning the paramilitary forces sent to Azerbaijan from Syria, Abassanova emphasized that if this possibility is proved, it has a potential that can give Russia a reason to enter the region with full force military like France and many international media like Aljazeera and BBC have been writing about. Abassanova said: "In the news it is said that Turkey has hired Syrian fighters from different camps in Syria and brought them to Azerbaijan under the false pretense. One of the fighters has leaked information into the media claiming that many of these hired personnel were told to protect the oil pipeline but upon arrival been forced to handover their passports and go to the frontlines for fighting. He also claimed that many of his compatriots been killed and wounded with no proper medical care. Although French president Macron has also made allegations against Turkey’s illegal involvement in bringing foreign fighters to Nagorno-Karabakh, no fact has been introduced to media just yet. Turkey has denied all the accusations."   Abassanova said: "As can be seen from facts, Russia is just waiting on the line to document one fact indicating Turkey's direct involvement in the region and that will activate the military cooperation agreement between Armenia and Russia within Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) giving chance to Russia to get actively involved in Nagorno-Karabakh. For peace community both, Turkey’s and Russia’s involvement in the region is a threat to the peace in the region as full scale involvement of both has a potential of turning the region into Syria giving a chance to Russia to re-unite all three countries Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan under its power again if international community does not act soon enough."    HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS ARE DISPLACED DUE TO THE WAR   Abassanova that had to flee from Azerbaijan in 2015 due to security concerns said: "It feels terrible that I can not be involved in direct peace negotiations in the region as currently I live abroad. Due to the threats to my security I have been forced to flee Azerbaijan in 2015 and since been living abroad. I would like to believe that the efforts of the peace community from both sides will give its fruitful result one day bringing peace to both countries with or without my involvement in it. Pain in a war this scale is unavoidable when I observe very young people going to fight and die. It deeply pains me that civilians are target too not just military and both sides have been denying it although facts like destroyed homes are widely shared in the media. I was born in Armenia and raised in Azerbaijan. I love both equally as both have been homes for me for a while and I wish they would reach an agreement soon so that all these displaced people can return to home wherever that is."   Speaking about whether the war is supported by the people of Azerbaijan and stating that the people of Azerbaijan have been living in limbo for 30 years, during which time both countries slowly lost lives, Abassanova said: " Everyone is tired that there is no ultimate peace and there is no ultimate war. About 800 K people who became IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) in Azerbaijan during the Nagorno-Karabakh war have been waiting for resolution for all this time and they are frustrated that international community has proved itself completely useless. Also all the Armenian residents of Nagorno-Karbaakh have been living in another kind of limbo with no recognized state, economic blockage and uncertainties. it is pity that innocent people have to suffer. "   PEACE CAN ONLY COME WITH THE EFFORT OF TWO COUNTRIES NOT FROM OUTSIDE   Emphasizing that in order for the conflict to be over a call of ceasefire must be made from neutral countries like Sweden, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands, Abassanova said: "Russia can not be neutral if it supplies guns to both countries and no peace negotiation can be reached if both of the conflict parties are constantly militarised and motivated to fight. I do realize that Russia’s power in the region is very deep rooted but parties should trust each other and refrain from using the “help” of regional forces like Turkey and Russia in reaching the peace agreement. Ultimately, it is Armenia and Azerbaijan that will have to leave side-by-side and the peace should be the effort of both."     MA/ GÖZDE ÇAĞRI ÖZKÖSE