Van Bar Association: We are witnesses of the jailed journalists 2020-10-12 10:23:03   VAN – Van Bar Association Vice President Hamza Ciftci stated that they have witnessed the professional activities of 4 journalists who were arrested for their news, and that they will follow the file closely for the freedom of public to receive news.   Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reporters Adnan Bilen, Cemil Uğur, Jinnews reporter Şehriban Abi and journalist Nazan Sala, who were taken into custody after they broke the story of two men thrown from helicopter on September 11, have been arrested and put in jail for reporting on social incidents against the state'.   Hamza Çiftçi, Vice President of the Van Bar Association, spoke to Mesopotamia Agency (MA) regarding the torture on the two men and the arrest of the journalists.   THEIR RIGHT TO LIFE WAS VIOLATED   Stating that they, as the Van Bar Association has learned what happened to the two men from the news of Mesopotamia Agency (MA) and got involved in the case, Çiftçi said the two men were tortured and their right to life was violated.   'WE ARE WITNESSES OF THE JOURNALISTS'   Noting that Van Bar Association has witnessed that the arrested journalists have fulfilled the requirements of their profession for years, Çiftçi described the arrests as “unlawful attempts” against the press. Çiftçi pointed out that the government was trying to silence and censor the opposition press, especially the MA employees who reported the rights violations in the city.   'THERE IS NO EVIDENCE PROVING THE CLAIMS'   Çİftçi said: "“We think the arrests were an intimidation. When we looked at the questions posed to journalists in their interrogation, we saw that all of them were related to the news they had made. Their phones were tapped and all the tapes are them speaking to their sources. There is no crime in any of the tapes. They are trying to legitimize the operation carried out on the accusation of membership of the organization. However, it should be clearly stated that there is not a single piece of evidence to show membership of an illegal organization."   'PEOPLE'S RIGHT TO RECIEVE NEWS MUST BE DEFENDED'   Underlining that the press is the most important control mechanism in democratic countries and that freedom of the press is in direct proportion to the freedom of information, Çiftçi emphasized that when the press organs are censored, journalists are suppressed by investigations, detentions and arrests; Çiftçi said, "As stated in the Constitution, the state has been obliged to take all kinds of precautions for the freedom of the press and that the press cannot be censored. However, these days, rather than removing the barriers in front of the press, the state keeps adding more barriers on the freedom of press.This is by no means acceptable. Therefore, in terms of freedom of the press, not only non-governmental organizations, but also all people should be sensitive. The freedom of the people to receive information must be defended."   'WE WILL FOLLOW THE CASE'   Stating that as the Van Bar Association they will be following closely on the case, Çiftçi said: "Our Bar's stance on this issue is clear. We will fight for the freedom of journalists and the freedom of the public to receive information. We will get out of this chin high with our journalists friends."   MA / Dindar Karataş