Yoleri: The government is polarizing society 2020-11-21 09:57:00 İSTANBUL - IHD Istanbul Branch President Gülseren Yoleri pointed out that the recent violations of rights in the region have increased due to the impunity policy and said: "The hostile policy followed by the government is polarizing society."   According to the data of the Human Rights Institutions, the right to life was violated 238 times in the first 11 months of the year. Most of these violations took place in the Kurdish cities.   IT IS THE RESULT OF THE STATE POLICY   Evaluating the torture and violations of the right to life, Gülseren Yoleri, Head of the Istanbul Branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD), said that the violations of the rights are the results of the government's policy towards Kurds. Reminding that such incidents did not occur during the 'democratic solution process', Yoleri said: "The idea of ​​peace and coexistence is pushed into the background, causing such events to increase again. How the government approaches the issue is very important. When we see the Kurds as enemies rather than human beings, more violations will occur."   THEY SEE THE PEOPLE AS THEIR ENEMIES   Expressing that the government has made the impuntiy policy a phenomenon in all crimes committed so far, Yoleri said: "In all massacres and torture cases, this factor of impunity appears as a serious problem. The hostile approach of the government makes torture, death and rape inevitable. Because state officials sent to Kurdish cities see the people of the region as enemies. This approach is reflected to the people as sexual assault to women, torture of citizens living in the region and violations of the right to life. Unfortunately, as long as the hostile approach of the state continues, we will have to continue to talk about these events constantly. The government must change these policies in order for these events to come to an end."   Stating that back in 1980, under the conditions imposed by September 12 coup, the law enforcement used to try to find a way to make things look legal, Yoleri said that the law enforcement today do not see the need to hide these things anymore, due to the impunity policy.   THEY ARE POLARIZING PEOPLE   Stating that the hostile policy pursued by the government is polarizing the people, Yoleri said: "This act of polarization manifest itself as racist attacks against the Kurds in the west. A person who speaks Kurdish can be attacked in İstanbul. The government internalizes the hostility towards the Kurds and uses it as a means of polarizing society."   PRESSURE IS INSTITUTIONALIZED   Stating that there is a large crowd in the society that does not accept this polarization, Yoleri said that the government is trying to passify these people with detentions and arrests. Yoleri said: "Today that pressure on the people is becoming more and more permanent and institutionalized. The opposition must have a struggle program against these pressures. But the opposition is in a position of being dragged to the problems caused by the government.  The opposition must urgently get out of this position and produce policies that will slow down or stop the government."   THE IDEA OF PEACE MUST BE STRENGTHENED   Stressing that the peace declaration announced by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) is very important in this sense, Yoleri said that many problems are directly related to the state's war policy, so the idea of ​​peace should be strengthened. Yoleri added that a total reaction should be organized on issues concerning human life."     MA / Erdoğan Alayumat