Akar claims there is no evidence of soldiers throwing two men from military helicopter 2020-12-29 11:27:42   ANKARA – CHP's Sezgin Tanrıkulu announced that Minister of Defense Hulusi Akar told that there were no proof, documents or records of soldiers throwing two villagers from a military helicopter in the Çatak district of Van.   Republican People's Party (CHP) Istanbul Deputy Sezgin Tanrıkulu stated that he received a response from Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar to the parliamentary question about Osman Şiban and Servet Turgut who were thrown from a military helicopter in the Çatak district of Van.    Tanrıkulu said: "I asked the incident in Çatak. They were supposedly taken into custody. One of our citizens have lost his life while the other one was seriously injured. I asked the Minister of Defense. He is in charge of the military helicopters. He responded to my question with a single sentence. He said: "There is no information, documents or reports in our ministry regarding this incident."   'HE COULDN'T EVEN SAY THAT AN INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN STARTED'   Tanrıkulu said: "He responded with a single sentence. As if there wasn't an operation in there. As if the helicopter doesn't belong to this country. As if hundreds of soldiers didn't lynch those men. His reply to my question clearly shows this country's stance in terms of human rights. He couldn't even say that an investigation was started to look into the incident. Who died? A Kurdish citizen did. A 60 year old Kurdish citizen. He couldn't even say that they started an investigation, because the person who died was Kurdish."   JOURNALISTS WHO PROVED THE DROPPING OF TWO VILLAGERS ARE BEHIND BARS   Mesopotamia Agency reporters Adnan Bilen and Cemil Uğur, Jinnews reporter Şehriban Abi and journalist Nazan Sala who proved that the villagers were thrown from the helicopter were arrested on October 9.