HDP Group started a sit in 2021-03-17 16:59:06 ANKARA - HDP Group started a sit in following the MP status of HDP's Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu was stripped. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Kocaeli Deputy Ömer Faruk Gergeriloğlu was stripped of his status as MP after the decision was read at the parliament. Protesting the decision HDP group started a sit in at the General Assembly Hall.   Following the sit in, the General Assembly was postponed to next week.   GERGERLİOĞLU REMAINS AT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY HALL   Gergerlioğlu did not leave the General Assembly after the decision was read. HDP MPs and opposition parties supported Gergerlioğlu and stayed with him. The Deputy Chairman of the Assembly Celal Adan requested that Gergerlioğlu be removed from the General Assembly. HDP group and the opposition protested this.    AKP AND MHP LEFT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY   While AKP and MHP left the General Assembly, HDP members started a sit-in in front of the General Assembly Presidential Board. HDP group are holding photos of Gergerlioğlu and banners written 'Gergerlioğlu is the conscience of Turkey', 'Gergerlioğlu demanded justice for everyone', 'Gergerlioğlu did not remain silent to the femicides', 'Gergerlioğlu was always there for people seeking justice', 'Gergerlioğlu was against police brutality', 'Gergerlioğlu brought the extra judicial killings to the agenda'.   HDP Co-Chair Mithat Sancar came to the General Assembly. A photo of Gergerlioğlu was left at the General Assembly rostrum.   HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Mithat Sancar da Genel Kurul’a geldi.    Gergerlioğlu’nun fotoğrafının bulunduğu bir döviz, Meclis kürsüsüne bırakıldı.