We are back to 90's 2021-03-19 10:41:48   İSTANBUL - Commenting on the law suit filed against HDP for its closure, opposition party executives said: "We are back to 90's. This is an eclipse of reason."   Reactions keep coming from all segments of the society regarding the law suit filed against the HDP for its closure and Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu being stripped of his status as a member of the parliament. Deva Party Founders Board Member Ahmet Faruk Ünsal, Future Party Founding Board Member Ayhan Sefer Üstün, Saadet Party Spokesperson Birol Aydın, Motherland Party former Chairman Nesrin Nas pointed out that the government's moves using the judiciary will only serve to deepen the problems.   DEVA PARTY: A FUTILE EFFORT   Ahmet Faruk Ünsal, Member of the Board of Founders of the Deva Party, stated that the lawsuit will not be enough to hide the fact that the government is utterly scared, said: "They think that if they close the HDP, the idea of the HDP will cease to exist. But so many parties of this tradition have been shut down before and they kept coming much stronger. This is a futile effort. The AKP- MHP government will  take their place on the stage of history with the shame of this disgrace. Things will not always go like this. It will get better. They are destroying the social peace and create tension. They just announced a Human's Rights Action Plan but they are giving direct instructions to the courts. No plan of this government can be taken seriously. And no one does. Including themselves. They violated their own plan they announced two weeks ago. They are about to perish and they are counting days for it."   GERGERLİOĞLU IS PAYING THE PRICE FOR SHOUTING OUT 'THE KING IS NAKED'   Underlining that Gergerlioğlu was stripped of from his status as an MP because he shouted that the king is naked, Ünsal said: "He didn't just protected the rights of the Kurds but he was there for everyone that needed help. He exposed the strip searchs, torture and kidnappings."     FUTURE PARTY: THE AIM IS TO PROTECT THEIR PLACE   Ayhan Sefer Üstün, Member of the Founding Board of the Future Party, pointed out that Gergerlioğlu is a person who has been a human rights advocate for many years regardless of the identity of the people, and criticized that he was stripped of from his status as a member of the parliament. They are ruining the democracy. We think this is very wrong. We don't accept it."   Speaking about the law suit filed against the HDP for its closure, Üstün said: "This step was taken to polarize the society, to create tension, to consolidate the decreasing votes of the MHP and to protect their place. We would like to say that we have a lot of issues as Turkey and closing down parties will deepen these problems."   SP: THIS IS AN ECLIPSE OF REASON   Spokesperson of the Felicity Party (SP), Birol Aydın, said, “We see what happened as the scenario of the 90s being put back on the stage in the 2020s. It is an eclipse of mind. What they did not consider to be crimes back in 2013, are now considered crimes. This is not fair. As a member of a party that was closed 4 times in the last 50 years I want to remind what Einstein once said: "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of being crazy." I want to invite everyone to use their loaf."   NAS: THEY ARE BLOCKING THE WAY TO DEMOCRATIC POLITICS   Motherland Party former Chair Nesrin Nas underlined that Turkey is getting more and more authoritarian and said: "This can not go on like this. They will explode at some point. They can not establish the permanent government they want. I believe that HDP is now way beyond %11 now. Because people has a minimal sense of justice that can not be destroyed whatever you do. The Constitutional Court has been acting on the istructions of the government since 2016, extending the life of the government legally. If the government wants the HDP closed, it will be closed. Don't expect a lawful decision. Every decision taken is political, law has been suspended in Turkey."     MA / İdris Sayılğan