Law suit filed against 97 students in Boğaziçi 2021-04-19 12:50:51 İSTANBUL - A law suit has been filed against 97 students that were detained during the protests of the students saying 'No' to the appointed rector.   A new law suit has been filed against the students detained during the protests against the appointed rector Melih Bulu. Bulu was appointed by the AKP's President Tayyip Erdoğan. An indictment was prepared against the 97 students taken into custody on February 1. According to the 75 page long indictment prepared by the İstanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, the students are accused of 'Opposing the law on Meetings and Rallies'.   PARTICIPATING IN A PRESS RELEASE IS A CRIME!   According to the report of Bianet, 97 students were accused of participating in a press release, while the police violence was considered to be proportional.   The indictment was accepted by the 32nd Criminal Court of First Instance. The date of the hearing has not been announced yet.