Hunger striking against isolation, Öz lost his life 2021-04-26 13:08:05 NEWS CENTER - Eşref Öz, who was on hunger strike against the isolation in İmralı in  Lavrio Camp in Greece, died as a result of a heart attack.   Eşref Öz, who was on an indefinite- rotating hunger strike against the isolation in İmralı in Greece, which entered day 151, from Lavrio Camp in Greece, lost his life as a result of a heart attack. Öz, who was in the 22nd group on hunger strike, is the first person to die during the hunger strike action.   HUNGER STRIKE ACTION IN GREECE ON DAY 113   The indefinite-alternating hunger strike action launched in Greece's Lavrio Camp to end the isolation against Öcalan and support the hunger strikes in the prisons of Turkey continues on its 113th day. The hunger strike in the camp is led by the Revolutionary Youth Movement (TCŞ-Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger), the Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe (Tevgera Jinên Kurdistan a Ewropa) and Navenda Çanda Kurdistan (Kurdish Cultural Center).   The action started in Maxmur is on its 130th day.