Journalists banned from court in Kobané hearing 2021-05-18 10:55:49   ANKARA - While the second hearing of the Kobané Case started with heavy police presence, families, complainants and those who came to follow the hearing were taken to another court room. Journalists who went to the court house to follow the hearing were not allowed in the court room because they did not have state issued press cards.   The second hearing of the Kobané Case where 108 people, 28 of whom are currently behind bars, stands trial including former Co-chairs of People's Democratic Party (HDP) starts today. The hearing will be held at the Sincan Prison Campus by Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court under heavy police presence. The lawyers, members of parliament and citizens who came to follow the hearing were held at the enterence for a long time by the law enforcement officers who claimed they were 'searching for a bomb'.    Upon entering the court room, those who came to follow the hearing saw that scores of police officers were placed in the court room, just like the first hearing. The families and complainants were taken to another court room.   'JOURNALISTS WERE NOT ALLOWED IN COURT DUE TO LACK OF HAVING STATE ISSUED PRESS CARDS'   Journalists who wanted to follow the hearing were not allowed into the hall on the grounds that they did not have a turquoise card which is issued by the state. The cell phones and computers of the journalists who were able to get into the hall were confiscated.   Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Co-Spokesperson Sedat Şenoğlu, Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) Co-Chair Şahin Tümüklü and HDP deputies and party leaders attended the hearing, followed by experts from the European Union European Union (EU) Turkey Delagation.   200 LAWYERS IN THE COURT ROOM   Lawyers were ready at the enterence of the court room before the trial. The hearing will be starting in minutes. Politicians Sebahat Tuncel, Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş are expected to make their defence at the hearing.