The Ministry of Internal Affairs preventing the establishment of the PIA: They want rights for the Kurds 2021-05-27 10:01:33 VAN - For the Humans and Freedom Party which the Ministry of Interior hasn't processed its petition to be established for three years because it has "Right to self-determination, education in mother tongue and cultural rights" in its party charter, a decision of suspension of execution' was taken. The petitions filed by the Human and Freedom Party (PIA) to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the establishment of a party since May 5, 2018 have not been processed. PIA managers wanted to submit an establishment petition to the ministry on 12 November 2020, but it faced a stonewall yet again. PIA, then, filed an appeal for "stay of execution" with the Ankara 13th Administrative Court. The court accepted the application of the PIA and decided that the ministry should make an appointment to the party officials and receive the documents within one month.    REASON FOR NOT PROCESSING THE PETITION: DEMAND FOR EDUCATION IN MOTHER TONGUE   The reason for not receiving the application of the PIA was revealed after the application made to the court. In the defense sent to the court after the application, the Ministry noted that the PIA's application was not processed due to the articles on the Kurdish question and pandemic in its statute.    The Ministry stated that "to protect the education and cultural rights of the Kurds in their mother tongue" and "to respect the Kurdish people's right to self-determination", which is the article 68 of the Constitution, is against the independence of the state and the indivisible integrity of the country and nation.   DECISION TO STOP EXECUTION   The Administrative Court issued a "stay of execution" decision on April 13, following the ministry's defense on grounds of the 68th article of the constitution which guarantees the right to establish a political party. The ministry appealed against the court's decision.     MA / Cemil Uğur