Emine Şenyaşar to call to account the prosecutors not giving appointment to her at her hearing 2021-09-10 15:32:53   URFA - Emine Şenyaşar told that she will hold the prosecutor who did not give her an appointment to account for the murders of her family members at the hearing she will be tried for 'insulting a public official', who is also the perpetrator of the murders.   Emine Şenyaşar whose two sons and husband was murdered as a result of the attack carried out against their workplace, and later at Suruç State Hospital will stand trial for 'insulting a public official', while no law suits were filed against the perpetrators of the murders of her family members.   EMİNE ŞENYAŞAR WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO ENTER THE COURT HOUSE TO GIVE HER STATEMENT   Emine Şenyaşar who started a sit in in front of Urfa Court House on March 9 demanding the confidentiality order on their file to be removed and her son Fadıl Şenyaşar held in prison to be released has been trying to get an appointment from the prosecutors from day one and all her requests so far have been rejected. Emine Şenyaşar who was prevented from entering the building many times and taken into custody a few times trying, will finally be able to enter the building.   In the law suit filed at the Urfa 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance, it is claimed that Emine Şenyaşar "insulted a public official" based on the words she said on the 86th day of the Justice Watch while no law suit was filed against the perpetrator of the attack, which also is the same 'public official'.   Emine Şenyaşar being prosecuted with a request of up to 4 years in prison and her lawyer Hidayet Enmek evaluated the case file and the confidentiality order on the file for Mesopotamia Agency (MA).   I COULDN'T MAKE THE AUTHORITIES HEAR MY VOICE   Reminding that the sit in they started entered its 186th day, Emine Şenyaşar said they continue the sit in despite all attempts to prevent it. Stating that she is in front of the court house telling people all day about what happened to them, and wail about her loved ones but she could not make the authorities hear her voice, Emine Şenyaşar said: "My husband and two sons were murdered before my eyes. My other son is held in a cell for the last 3 years. I cry all day in front of the court house. No one heard my voice. But they filed a law suit against me."   'FILE A LAW SUIT AGAINST THE KILLERS NOT ME'   Drawing attention to the confidentiality order on the file about the massacre that took place in the Suruç State Hospital, Şenyaşar said: "Why don't they file a law suit againt those who killed my sons in a state hospital? Have you ever heard of people being killed in an hospital? They painted the walls of that hospital at night because the blood of my sons were on those walls. They erased the surveillence videos. Everyone knows this and so does the prosecutor. Why don't they start an investigation into the murder of my family? It tears me apart. They can file a law suit against me despite all this suffering they put me through. File a law suit against those killers not me!"   WHO KILLED MY CHILDREN?    Stating that they tried to have a talk with the prosecutor many times in the last 186 days, Şenyaşar said: "They filed a law suit against me. I'll stand in front of those prosecutors and judges that have been hiding from us for months and tell them how my family was murdered. I'll tell them I have been sitting in front of this building for 6 months and I have health issues. I'll ask them who killed my children. I'll tell them not to prosecute me but to prosecute the murderers. My children died in pain. I never insulted anyone but they (The family of AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız) insults us everyday."   'RELEASE MY SON'   Stating that her health issues are deteriorating every day, Şenyaşar said: "I was fine when I started this sit in. Now I have many problems. I will not end this sit in before I got justice. I will not go back home before my son is released. Release my son."   ATTORNEY ENMEK: THERE IS PRESSURE ON THIS CASE FILE   Attorney Hidayet Enmek reminded that there still is a confidentiality order on the file even though 3 years and 3 months have passed. Enmek said: "They are blocked from entering the court house everytime they tried. The prosecutor and the judge refuses to see them. Only once on August 8 a prosecutor agreed to see us and we conveyed our demands but the result didn't change. All of these indicate that there is great pressure on this case file."   CALL FOR PARTICIPATION TO THE HEARING   Enmek also called for participation to the hearing to support the family and said: "The family have been staging a sit in here for so long. A lot of NGOs and political parties along with people showed their support. This support must continue. This is the only thing that gives them strength. We call on everyone to be the voice of this family."     MA / Emrullah Acar