Musician Nudem Durak: I'm afraid I won't be able to sing again 2022-03-04 10:37:48   ŞIRNAK - Musician Nudem Durak who was arrested because she sang in Kurdish and diagnosed with toxic nodular goitre said she's afraid she won't be able to sing again while her mother called for awareness for Nudem.   33-year-old Nudem Durak living in Şırnak is behind bars for singing in Kurdish. This is not the first time she was arrested for singing in Kurdish too. Nudem, whose family is known for the Kurdish traditional singers, was first arrested in 2012. Durak was arrested again a short time after her release. Being released again after a while, Durak started teaching in Mem û Zîn Culture Center. Durak was arrested again in April 22, 2015 for singing in Kurdish. Being sentenced to 19 years in prison, Durak got sick during her time in prison. Among all of her illnesses, toxic nodular goitre scares Durak the most. Worried about her vocal cords being damaged due to the goitre, Durak also suffers from osteoporosis.   WATERS FROM PINK FLOYD CALLS FOR DURAK'S RELEASE   The musical instruments sent to Durak who is concerned about a damage to her vocal cords are being confiscated by the prison administration. Underlining that the fact that the musical instruments sent to Durak being confiscated by the prison administration is unacceptable, Roger Waters from the lagendary band Pink Floyd called on to AKP Chair and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on February 19, and demanded Durak to be released.   DURAK IS AFRAID OF LOSING HER VOICE   Being held in prison for the last 7 years, Durak tells every week to her family on the phone that she is afraid of losing her voice and never be able to sing again. Taken to the hospital in Erzurum every month from Bayburt Type M Closed Prison, Durak is held in soliraty confinement for 15 days after her visits to the hospital every time due to the pandemic.   'SHE WAS JUST AN EDUCATOR'   Underlining that singing is not a crime, Durak's mother Hatice Durak (67) said: "She did nothing but sing. She was an educator. She taught children music. She was arrested because she sang in Kurdish. They held her in Diyarbakır Prison for a few months and then sent her to Bayburt Prison. I can't visit her there because it is very far away. I was able to visit her once since she was transferred there. I haven't seen my daughter for the last two years. Other people from our family tried to visit her but they weren't allowed to see her."   'HER ONLY CRIME IS TO SING ON HER MOTHERTONGUE'   Underlining that it is unlawful that her daughter was arrested, mother Durak said: "My daughter was arrested three times. She has been singing since she was a child. Her grandfather, father and brothers are also musicians. Her only crime is to sing in her mothertongue. She got sick in prison. They are taking her to hospital every month. How can a person get proper treatment in prison? She will not get better there."   CALL TO MUSICIANS   Emphasizing that her daughter needs solidarity, mother Durak said: "This is my call to all her friends, all musicians. Stand with Nudem. She was arrested illegally. She did nothing wrong. She needs to be released. I am calling on to all the artists in the world. Help her be heard."     MA / Zeynep Durgut