Women reached Halfeti: His freedom is our freedom 2022-04-04 15:11:03   URFA - Celebrating April 4, the women who reached Halfeti to celebrate the birthday of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, said: "His freedom is our freedom."   Despite all obstacles, PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's 73rd birthday was celebrated by thousands of people from various cities. Despite the blocking, hundreds of people gathered at the highway exit of Birecik-Halfeti districts, departing from Botan, Serhat and Diyarbakır, and celebrated with slogans. The citizens, who were kept waiting for 6 hours, did not lose their enthusiasm even though they were fasting. Particularly, the women in the group demanded the freedom of PKK Leader Öcalan.   'THEY CAN'T PREVENT US FROM CELEBRATING HIS BIRTHDAY'   One of the women who came from Çukurova, Meryem Acar, protested the police blockade. Underlining that no one can prevent them from celebrating the birthday of Öcalan, Acar said: "We came here no matter what. Their blockades can not stop us. We are standing here for 6 hours. We celebrated his birthday here. We can't be free before Öcalan is free."   'WE CAN'T GET ANY NEWS FROM ÖCALAN'   Kumri Öztaş, who came for PKK Leader Öcalan's birthday, said, "Ocalan has not been allowed to meet with his lawyers for years. We, as the people, can't get any news from him. We don't know how he is doing. We will do our best. Kurds need to unite."   'ÖCALAN MUST BE FREE'   One of the women, Sakine Toprak who said the celebrations can not be blocked, continued as follows: "We condemn this persecution. Our president is being held under severe isolation conditions for 23 years. We don't accept this isolation. What we want is peace, fraternity and unity. None of us is free until Öcalan is free. We want his freedom."   Hediye Sağ said: "We want peace and fraternity. We want Öcalan to be free. This is why we are here."     MA / Müjdat Can