Police blockaded HDP Headquarters, threatened HDP MP 2022-05-05 16:10:24   ANKARA - Police blockaded the building due to a group brought in front of HDP Headquarters. In the incident where party members protested, a police chief threatened HDP MP Başaran and said: "I will nail you to the wall".   A group brought in front of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Headquarters under the protection of the police, placed a black wreath in front of the party building and wanted to make a statement.   The group of three people, who claimed that their children were held by the PKK, left after making a statement with Turkish flags in their hands. However the police continued to wait in front of the party building. HDP members protested the police provocation in front of the party building. The police attacked HDP members verbally and physically.   POLICE DID NOT ALLOW BAŞARAN TO MAKE A STATEMENT   HDP Women's Council Spokesperson and Batman MP Ayşe Acar Başaran, who reacted to the provocation of the police, also wanted to make a press statement. When Başaran said, "I will make a statement," the police kept the press away, and said, "hold the MP" for Başaran. Başaran said, "Today, the police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs came here for provocation. There is a wreath, the police made it their duty to protect this wreath. A minute ago pther people made a press statement here as it is their democratic right. I am using my democratic right. Move. I will make a statement."     Başaran responded to the police and said:  "I am prevented from exercising my democratic right. We will not be defeated by the provocateurs and their attacks."   POLICE TO HDP MP: I WILL NAIL YOU TO THIS WALL   A police chief said: "Tell me where their children are." Basaran, on the other hand, reminded of her own father, who was killed in an unsolved murder in the 90's, and replied, "Why aren't you looking for my father's killers?" The police told Başaran that he will "Nail her to the wall", which caused the reaction of the party members.     While the police blockade at HDP Headquarters continues, party members are shouting the slogan: "HDP is the people, the people are here."