Call for solidarity to artists from Nudem Durak 2022-05-26 12:40:59   ŞIRNAK - Imprisoned artist Nudem Durak called for solidarity to artists with the song "Çiyayên me"(Our mountains).   Artist Nudem Durak, who was arrested on April 22, 2015 in Şırnak for singing in Kurdish and sentenced to 19 years in prison in two separate cases, called for solidarity with the artists in the phone call she made with her family from Bayburt Type M Prison. Suffering from various diseases during her imprisonment, Durak is struggling against osteoporosis and Graves' disease (toxic goiter), which does serious damage to the vocal cords.   Worried about losing her voice, Durak sang the song "Çiyayên me" in her weekly phone call with her family and called for solidarity to the artists.   'I WANT TO RELEASE WITHOUT LOSSING MY VOICE'   Stating that she is concerned about her disease, Artist Durak said: “I am scared about losing my voice. Sometimes I'm out of breath. If I can be released, there is a possibility that I will be treated, I know I won't get treatment in prison. I want to be released before I lose my voice."   A CALL FOR SOLIDARITY TO ARTISTS   Calling for solidarity to the artists, Durak said: “Artists should take care of each other. At least, they should be shoulder to shoulder with the artists in order to express themselves freely. Whether we are outside or inside, we see how concerts are canceled and blocked by Turkish government, The artists outisde should be in solidarity with the artists in prisons. They should make an effort for this, good luck to all of them."   Durak sang the song “Çiyayên me” at the end of the phone call.