Torch march for Hakan Arslan in İstanbul 2022-09-02 11:30:55 İSTANBUL- HDP İstanbul Youth Council protested the releasing of Hakan Arslan's remains to his family in a sack with torch march. HDP İstanbul Youth Council protested the practice against the remains of Hakan Arslan, who lost his life during the curfew declared in Sur district of Diyarbakır on December 2, 2015. The young people who took to the streets in the districts of Istanbul carried the banner "to the streets against the massacres" in the march they carried out with torches. The youth shouted the slogan "Şehid namirin(Martyrs don't die)" during the march. "WE WILL CALL THEM TO ACCOUNT" Commemorated Agit İpek, whose remains was sent to his family by cargo and Siti Karatay, whose remains were released to her family in a sack 6 years after her death, the youth said: "Turkish state can't even face the Kurdish dead. They are afraid of us. We'll call them to account for the releasing of our comrades' remains in a sack."