HDP Women's Council: Semra Güzel is our will 2022-09-03 15:25:42   ANKARA – HDP Women's Council made a statement regarding the  Diyarbakır MPs who were detained and targeted: "We warn the Minister of Criminal Affairs who targeted our MP Semra. They should arrest the murderers of women, not the women!"   The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Women's Council made a statement about Diyarbakır MPs Semra Güzel, who was detained in Istanbul.   The written statement was shared with the title of “Semra Güzel is our will!” by HDP Women's Press Office and the statement said, "Our Diyarbakır MP Semra Güzel, who was targeted by the AKP-MHP male alliance, was once again usurped yesterday with a dirty plot."   Emphasizing that the government wants to cover up the multi-dimensional crisis they got through with a new concept of attack each time, the statement said, "These policies of the government will not hold up today as they did yesterday."   RESPONDING TO SOYLU: YOU SHOULD ARREST THE KILLERS OF WOMEN, NOT WOMEN   Responding to Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu's targeting of Güzel, the statement included the following statements: "While people involved in all kinds of corruption and theft continue to commit crimes in this country, we warn the Minister of Criminal Affairs, who is targeting our MP: You should arrest the murderers of women, not women! You will not be able to cover up the crimes you have committed by inciting nationalism, racism, sexism and misogyny in society with social media posts.   SEMRA GÜZEL IS OUR WILL   Women will never kneel before these dirty policies of yours. We will continue to say 'Semra is our will' wherever we are. The male power, which has registered misogyny every time, should know very well that women will not give up. Semra Güzel is the will of the people and the women!”