The imposition of rangers in two villages in Hakkari 2022-10-15 10:04:33   HAKKARI - Soldiers raiding the villages of Şîvelan and Xana Musa in Hakkari every day are imposing spies and guards on the villagers. The threatened villagers said they would continue to defend their rights.   Hakkari's Şîvelan and Xana Musa villages have been raided by soldiers for days. In the arbitrary raids carried out in the besieged villages, spies and rangers are imposed on the citizens. Villagers who did not accept the impositions, were threatened by Bagışlı Gendarmerie Commander M.R.D.. Houses of families who do not accept the imposition of informers are raided and searches are made. In the villages, especially the houses of families with the surname Sivas are searched almost every day. While a citizen named Özcan Sivas was detained without any justification in a raid on October 12, the family filed a criminal complaint against the soldiers responsible for the Hakkari Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.   'SERGEANT IS OPPRESSING THE VILLAGE PEOPLE'   Stating that they were oppressed by the soldiers, Özcan Sivas, one of the citizens who spoke about the problems they have been experiencing in the village for days, said: “The village is raided every day and night. Soldiers are in the village almost every hour. In these raids, the people of the village are persecuted. We faced many threats such as constant pressure from the soldiers and the imposition of informers. We were detained in the house raids on October 12, although it did not constitute any crime. An authorized soldier told us that he will make us rangers, we will be his informant as long as we live in this village. We do not want commanders who try to make such oppressive spies and rangers by force in our village. We will continue to defend our rights everywhere. Our only demand from the authorities in the region is that the commander of the police station who threatens and puts pressure on us should be dismissed as soon as possible."   Sivas' family first applied to the Hakkari Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and then to the İHD Hakkari Branch.