'Turkey creates an opportunity for the spread of HTS' 2022-10-29 12:51:48   NEWS CENTER - Stating that Turkey creates an opportunity for HTS to spread in the region, Minbic Military Council Spokesperson Şervan Derwîş said that they will continue to protect the people.   Having changed its policy in Afrin, Turkey placed the Heyet Tahrir El-Sham (HTS) groups in the city instead of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). The situation caused the condemnations, it was stated that Turkey had plans for a new attack on Northern and Eastern Syria, as well as the Syrian regime and Idlib.   While Turkey's attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria continue, Minbic Military Council Spokesperson Şervan Derwîş spoke to Hawar News Agency (ANHA) and drew attention to the activity in the Manbic line.   'GET TOOK CONTROL OF THE VILLAGES WITHOUT FIGHTING'   Expressing that Ehrar El-Sham gangs are spreading in the northwest and west of Minbic, Derwîş said: "These groups work under Cebhet El Nusra. The areas from Um Cilod village and its surroundings to Muhsinli and Ereb Hesen villages in the northwest of Manbic are under the control of Cebhe El Şamiye gangs. Ehrar El Sham gangs came here. They captured these places without a fight."   REGIONAL SECURITY TARGETTED   Derwîş said: "Many groups are scattered on the front lines of the war waged against our forces on the Manbic fronts. There are some points of Cebhet El Shamiye, Ehrar El-Sham and Heyet Tahrir al-Sham gangs on the northern front. These gangs are deployed to the fronts against our forces. Their activity continues to disrupt the security of the region. There are gangs affiliated with different groups such as Semerqand gangs and Hemzat on the western front. They are on the fronts directly under the control of Ehrar El-Sham and that there are gangs of Cebhet al-Nusra in these areas.``   'PEOPLE ARE FORCED TO JOIN NUSRA'   Regarding the purpose of this expansion, Derwîş said: "A new project is being implemented in the region. They are trying to create opportunities for the expansion of Cebhet El Nusra. Some groups generally depend on the decision of the Turkish state. The Turkish state forces these groups to join Cebhet Al Nusra. Turkmen groups such as Emşat and Hemzat groups refused to join Jebhet El-Nusra.”   GROUPS TURKEY WORKS WITH   Stating that Turkey is working with Ehrar El-Sham through Heyet Tehrir El-Sham, Derwîş said: “so, we can say that the most dominant group in the region is Ehrar Al-Sham.”   WE WILL CONTINUE TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE OF MINBIC   Against the developments on the fronts under the control of the Minbic Military Council, Derwîş said: "We are following closely and have taken measures against it. We have strengthened our defense system much more than in the past years. We will continue to protect the people of Minbic."   PURPOSE OF TURKEY   Derwîş said: "The people should know well that the Turkish state is trying to destabilize the region with its mercenaries and is now on the way to an agreement with the regime."