Zeren: Political prisoners fighting for a dignified life 2023-01-16 09:35:19   İZMİR - ÖHD Co-chair Velat Zeren, who met with theprisoners in Kepsut Prison, where even their fundamental rights are suspended, stated that the prisoners are fighting for a dignified life despite the arbitrary practices and provocation attempts by the prison administration.   In prisons, where oppression, violations of rights and violence up to torture have reached its peak, even the most basic rights have been suspended with practices that have become systematic. Upon the applications of the prisoners, the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) İzmir Branch Co-chair Velat Zeren and the director of the association, Serhat Can, visited Balıkesir Kepsut Closed Prison on January 5.   ÖHD Co-Chair Velat Zeren spoke about the visit and the practices in prisons.   IT ALL STARTED WITH İMRALI PRISON   Stating that the isolation policy carried out against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı Prison has spread to all prisons at the current stage, Zeren said that the problems increased with the placing of ordinary prisoners in the corridor where political prisoners are being held. Zeren said, “The prison administration is not content with separating the wards from each other and bans the cultural and socialization rights of the prisoners. Only the prisoners in the same ward are allowed to see each other during these social hours."   RIGHT TO HEALTH IS VIOLATED   Stating that both the letters written by the prisoners and the letters sent from outside in Kepsut Prison are delivered with a delay, Zeren said that the books are often not given citing that they are "objectionable". Noting that especially books in Kurdish are not given to the prisoners, Zeren said the following regarding the problems experienced in the prison: "Most of the time, sick prisoners do not have access to their right to health due to dishonorable practices such as not removing the handcuffs during treatment. The prisoners we interviewed said that they did not want to go to the hospital except for emergencies. In such a situation, the diseases reach a point of no return. Dirty sheets of prisoners are not changed. In addition, new inmates are given old sheets. Prisoners are struggling with high electricity bills ranging from 800 TL to 1500 TL. Prisoners are being exiled to prisons distant from their hometowns so their families are also punished and when prisoners request a transfer, these demands are not met.”   PRISONERS ARE BEING THREATENED   Stating that the prisoners they interviewed in prison told that they are being threatened by the prison administration and the guards, Zeren told that the prison administration ignores the demands of the prisoners and say, "Do what you want, burn down your wards if you like, we don't  care if you live or die." Stating that the prisoners submitted petition to the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Justicce, but it is not known if these petitions are processed, Zeren said: "They don't respond to petitions. Right after a prisoners right a petition to the authorities, they are exiled to another prison in two days. At least 30 guards raid the wards and say some prisoner is being sent off to another prison and they should get ready in five minutes. They don't allow us to say goodbye to these prisoners whom we have been together for years. We are not informed about where they are being taken."     STRUGGLE CONTINUES   Stating that the prison administration takes its power from the repression policies of the government, Zeren told that the government peaked the pressure with its all-out war policies. However, the political prisoners continue their struggle for a dignified life. The duty of human rights defenders is to make these rights violations visible and expose these unlawful acts. At this point, we will continue our struggle."   MA / Delal Akyüz