KCK statement about Akar who set himself on fire against isolation 2023-01-18 14:11:10 NEWS CENTER - KCK made a statement about Mehmet Akar, who set himself on fire against the isolation in Imrali, and demanded the end of the self-immolation actions.   The KCK Executive Council Co-Presidency made a statement regarding Mehmet Akar, who set himself on fire to protest the isolation imposed upon PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan in the Sur district of Diyarbakır on the night of January 16. In the statement published by the Fırat News Agency (ANF), Akar's relatives, who were staging a sit-in protest in front of the HDP building with the claim that "their son was abducted and taken to the mountains", were abused, the following statement was made, "These families should know that they are not doing anything beneficial for themselves and their children with this attitude. The AKP-MHP government is responsible for the deadlock of the Kurdish question and all the sufferings of the Kurds."   In the statement that underlined the action of Akar meant it was time to step up the struggle against isolation, KCK emphasised that self-immolation actions are not appreciated. Even though it was stated that Akar's action was considered to be an act of "bravery, selflessness and loyalty, the statement said: "Self-immolation actions must end."