Law suit against imprisoned journalist Değer 2023-01-18 15:38:08   ANKARA - The insistence of imprisoned journalist Öznur Değer to do her job against the police while she was following the demonstration of the students has been subject to a law suit.    A lawsuit was filed against JİNNEWS reporter Öznur Değer being held in Sincan Women'S Closed Prison for insisting on filming the police intervention against students who can't find a place to stay or a dormitary due to economic reasons. Değer was accused of "Violating the law on meetings and demonstrations". The indictment prepared by Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office was accepted by Ankara 18th Court of First Instance on January 5.   DEĞER'S PRESS CARD WAS NOT RECOGNISED   In the indictment, Değer's insistance of doing her job as a journalist was assassed as "acts that are incompatible with the profession of journalism". The JİNNEWS press card of Değer was not recognised by the Ankara police and the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office because it was not given by the Presidency.   POLICE VIOLENCE   Stating that the police prevented her from taking photos of the people violently detained by the police with handcuffs behind their backs in her statement, Değer told that she herself was detained after that. Underlining that she was beaten in the police car, Değer told that the violence continued at the hospital.   FIRST HEARING ON MAY 8   The first hearing of journalist Değer will be held on May 8. Değer will appear at court via sound and vision information technology system (SEGBİS).