Citizen, who cut off his arm to save the baby, died! 2023-02-09 14:55:05   NEWS CENTER - A person named Cuma, who was under the rubble in Antakya, lost his life after he cut his arm to save his nephew Kevser.   A person named Cuma, who was under the rubble in the Antakya district of Hatay, affected by the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquake, cut his arm to save his nephew, Kevser.   A CITIZEN LOSE HIS LIFE FOR SAVING THE BABY   Actress Hakan Hatipoğlu, who witnessed this event in the earthquake region, talked about what happened with the video he shared on his Twitter accounts. Hatipoğlu said: “There is one man in that building. Behind him is the baby. The man's arm was trapped under the rubble, and he soon agreed that they're going to amputate his arm, to get to the baby behind him. A big thing is happening here. This place is not like what you see on TV. So please help. It's very important, please, I beg you. Especially to Hatay, to Antakya… because everywhere is in ruins. There's no explanation for that. It is a terrible situation.”