Kurdish Freedom and Democracy Alliance: Let's unite with the Green Left Party 2023-04-03 14:01:39   AMED - The Kurdish Freedom and Democracy Alliance called on all Kurds to unite around the Green Left Party in the May 14 elections and said: "There is no doubt that we will win when we join forces. The unity of the Kurds is the freedom of the Kurds."   The Kurdish Freedom and Democracy Alliance, established by the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party), a component of the Alliance for Labor and Democracy, with the political parties in Kurdistan, will issue a declaration on the May 14 elections. Declaration meeting held at Ayaz Elegence Wedding Hall in Peyas (Kayapınar) district of Amed and Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chair Berdan Öztürk, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chairs Saliha Aydeniz and Keskin Bayındır, Green Left Party Co-Spokesperson. Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Mithat Sancar, Azadi Party Chairperson Ayatollah Aşiti, Revolutionary Democrat Kurdish Association Abdulhey Okumuş, Human and Freedom Party (PIA) Chairperson Mehmet Kamaç, Kurdistan Communist Party (KKP) Chairman of the Board Sinan Çiftyürek and Chairperson of the Kurdistan Socialist Party (PSK) Bayram Bozyel and Hundreds of people attended the meeting.   DECLARATION   The Turkish version of the declaration was read by DBP Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz, and the Kurdish version by PSK President Bayram Bozyel. The declaration emphasizing the “joint struggle” is as follows: “We are going to the May 14, 2023 elections under the great pain, mourning and anger of the Pazarcık-Elbistan earthquake. According to official figures, more than 50 thousand people lost their lives in the Maraş-centered earthquake, and hundreds of thousands of people were seriously injured. The actual loss of life and the number of injured are much higher. We wish God's mercy on those who lost their lives in a wide geography from Amed to Cinderes, and we wish healing to the injured. Condolences to the families and our peoples. We say good-bye. The state was not in the earthquake zone in the most critical first days with government institutions, and it was unequipped when it arrived. The chain of negligence of the state increased the loss of life and property in the earthquake and turned it into a massacre. On the other hand, we would like to thank our people and relevant civil and political institutions for their great solidarity mobilization during the earthquake disaster. Similarly, we would like to thank the Kurdistan Regional Government, the countries and civil institutions that came to the aid of our people in a difficult time, for their support and solidarity, and call on them to continue this support.   THE DECISION OF COLLECTIVE STRUGGLE   In the declaration, the reasons for the decision of the Kurdish Freedom and Democracy Alliance to struggle together were listed as follows:   "* Recognition of the existence and identity of the Kurdish people, they should be in the upcoming constitution,   * Accepting the Kurdish language as the language of instruction from kindergarten to university and recognizing it as a second official language alongside Turkish,   * Creating a democratic environment that paves the way for Kurds to freely organize and express themselves under the names of Kurds and Kurdistan,   * Recognition of a status that will allow the Kurdish people to govern themselves in Kurdistan,   * Returning the Kurdish names of the settlements, geographical and historical places whose names have been changed in Kurdistan,   * Announcing the burial places of historical Kurdish figures whose graves were destroyed or hidden,   * Drafting a democratic, pluralistic and decentralized constitution that guarantees the equal, free and dignified life of the Kurdish people with other peoples.