Earthquake victims request containers 2023-04-04 11:24:27   MARAŞ- The earthquake victims living in tent cities in Pazarcık stated that they survived the harsh winter conditions, but that the summer season would be even more difficult, and demanded containers.   The earthquake victims living in the tent cities established in Pazarcık district in Maraş suffer from the distance of the toilets, hygiene problems and bad weather conditions. Earthquake victims, whose container demands are not met, are afraid of catching infectious diseases due to expected air temperatures.   'GOVERNMENT AID IS INSUFFICIENT'   Mustafa Horoz, one of the earthquake victims in tent cities established in Fatih and Cengiz Topel neighborhoods, said: "We spent all money on their houses and became helpless when our houses were destroyed. The government gave a tent 3-4 days after the earthquake. Our patriotic people helped us the first 2-3 days. The sensitive people of the east have arrived. Our patriotic people abroad never stopped supporting us. After the third day, the state landed on the field and set up tents. But the state helped us too late. In fact, the aid received at the moment is very insufficient."   THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT HAVE  CONFISCATED THE AID   Reminding the trustee appointed to the crisis coordination established to meet the needs of earthquake victims in the Hasankoca Village of Pazarcık under the leadership of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), Horoz said. "There were HDP officials and officials in coordination. In that respect, the state could not accept it, so the state appointed a trustee. A second grievance occurred when the state appointed a trustee for coordination. If the state had left us alone, the materials coming to Hasankoca would have been enough for the whole of the people of Pazarcık. The aid was carried out in a more coordinated manner. Our volunteers were being blocked. I wish the state hadn't interfered with us in that matter. We were enough for each other. We are victims in that regard and our grievance still continues.”   CONTAINER REQUEST   Stating that despite the 56th day of the earthquake, they still suffer from bathroom, toilet and water shortages, Rooster said: "There is also need for food. People seem to be left to their fate. So the situation is bad. In fact, people suffered a lot during the earthquake. The container is insufficient. The state has not yet worked on containers. This is a great suffering. We also demand a container city for Lower Bazarcix. Because we live in this region and our business is in this region."   SUMMER WILL BE DIFFICULT FOR US   Stating that the aid did not come as much as before and it was gradually cut off, Zorba said: "We somehow survived the bad weather conditions in the winter, but that the summer season would be very difficult for us. Everyone will go, what will we do without a container? I'm requesting containers. It is very difficult. I do not know how it's going to be? I have been depressed for 60 days, but I haven't recovered yet."   MA / Rukiye Adıgüzel