Release of prisoner delayed three time 2023-04-04 13:32:45 ANKARA - Mehmet Paksoy, who is imprisoned in Eskişehir Type H Prison, is not released on the grounds that he speaks "organizational language" despite his sentence being completed.   Prisoners who have been tortured and ill-treated in prisons face a new violation of their rights when their release is prevented. Mehmet Paksoy, who was arrested after being detained with injuries and held in Eskişehir Type H Prison, is not released even though he has served 16 years and 8 months in prison given by the Van 3rd High Criminal Court. In the letter he sent, Paksoy wrote that although he completed his sentence, his release was prevented by the decision of the Prison Administration and Observation Board.    'SPEAKING IN ORGANIZATIONAL LANGUAGE!'   In the report dated January 18, 2023, in which Paksoy's release was blocked, the following reasons were listed for preventing his release: “Not staying in the ward impartially, not showing the will to be independent from the organization, correspondence with people outside the family, correspondence with members of the organization, speaking in organizational language, having objectionable letter decisions, organizational not avoiding communication, not keeping a distance from the organization, going on a hunger strike, taking disciplinary action, not being in a regular and orderly manner, protesting the uniform application of dress, not making a statement of remorse, not coming to the board by submitting a petition for release, not requesting artistic or literary work, spiritual guidance unit not attending courses/trainings.”