'Problems cannot be solved without freedom of Öcalan' 2023-04-05 11:00:02   ANKARA - Stating that the government is trying to isolate PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan from the society and make the Kurdish people weak, DBP Ankara Advisory Bureau Co-Spokesperson Murat Kayataş said: "The problems in Turkey cannot be solved without Öcalan's freedom."   There has been no news for 25 months from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held in isolation for 24 years in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, to which he was brought on February 15, 1999 with an international conspiracy. Returning to war codes with the "Plan of Collapse" prepared by the National Security Council (MGK) at its meeting on October 30, 2014, the AKP started to implement this concept by reintroducing the heavy isolation conditions in Imrali on April 5, 2015.   The isolation on Imrali Island, which has been deepened for 8 years, has turned into a state of no news after Abdullah Öcalan's "interrupted" phone call with his brother Mehmet Öcalan on March 25, 2021. Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Ankara Counseling Office Co-spokesperson Murat Kayataş evaluated the Imrali isolation system and the inability to receive news.   Expressing that the Kurdish people are wanted to be erased from history with the international conspiracy against Abdullah Öcalan, Kayataş said that this policy is intended to be implemented with aggravated isolation today.   'ISOLATION MUST BE LIFTED FOR A SOLUTION'   Stating that the isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan is not limited to the Imrali Prison,  Kayataş said: “ There is an isolation that spreads to all prisons in waves and spreads from prisons to the whole society. No political, economic, social or political problem in Turkey and the Middle East could be solved without the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan. In this sense, in terms of the future of the peoples of the Middle East, the isolation imposed upon him needs to be lifted."   'ISOLATION CREATES A THREAT'   Emphasizing that Abdullah Öcalan is the hope of life for oppressed peoples, workers, laborers and women, Kayataş said: “Mr. Öcalan's physical freedom is the basis of our struggle agenda. Mr. Öcalan is the red line for the Kurdish people; therefore, the isolation policies currently implemented in Imrali Prison pose a serious threat to the future of both the peoples of Turkey and the Middle East. We invite the social opposition, social dynamics, all left socialist, revolutionary and patriotic segments to be sensitive in this sense and to struggle within the scope of any democratic peaceful struggle method."