First women's election office from the Green Left Party 2023-04-05 15:07:01   AMED - Speaking at the opening of the first women's election office of the Green Left Party Amed Provincial Organization, HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan said: "We know that this government is anti-democracy and misogynist, but in vain, spears don't fit in a sack anymore, you will fall, you will fall with the self-power of women."   The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Amed(Diyarbakır) Provincial Organization opened the first women's election office in the Dicle City District of Peyas (Kayapınar) district with the participation of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Pervin Buldan.   Photographs of Nagihan Akarsel, a member of the Jineology Academy Center who were murdered in Sulaymaniyah, and Jina Emini, who was murdered in Tehran, were hung in the election office with banners "We are here, we will replace them with women" and "Jin, jiyan, azadi". Free Women's Movement (TJA), Peace Mothers, HDP Women's Council, HDP Amed Provincial Co-person, Rosa Women's Association, Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD), HDP MPs Feleknas Uca, Remziye Tosun, Dersim Dağ and many women attended. The women, who attended the opening with their local clothes, danced halay accompanied by the election songs of the Green Left Party. The women often shouted "Jin, Jiyan, azadi" to the accompaniment of drums and zurna.   Speaking at the opening of the women's election office, Green Left Party Amed co-spokesperson Pınar Sakık Tekin said: “We will open this office to build life against death for the construction of a democratic society. We will rewrite history with the pen of Nagihan, who was killed for fear of her pen.”   Later, Green Left Party Women's Council Spokesperson Canan Çalağan spoke. Çalağan started his speech by sending greetings to female political prisoners. Çalağan said: "We are coming to change with women on May 14 and stated that the 22-year AKP rule has given nothing but violence, war and poverty, and that women are fighting against it.