DFG: Access to 330 news stories blocked in March 2023-04-06 13:37:13   AMED - According to the DFG's March report, 8 journalists were attacked, 16 detained, 1 arrested, access to 330 news stories and 1,084 social media content blocked.   Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) published the March Report on Rights Violations Against Journalists. Drawing attention to the upcoming May 14 elections, the report said: “Election security is one of the most discussed issues as we go to the elections, which are given so much importance. Freedom of the press, one of the main elements of election security, is under siege. As the election approaches, the pressure on the press is increasing day by day in this process. Every journalist, every news site, agency, radio and television channel that does not make pro-government news is targeted and fines are given."    EFFECTS OF THE CENTURY LAW   The report stated that the articles of the "Censorship Law" were used as a justification for the detentions of journalists, and the following statements were included: "As the elections approach, journalists who raise their voices against the policies of the government and extend a microphone to citizens who voice their discomfort, continue to be detained under this law and lawsuits continue against them. In this context, we have pointed out what can be experienced together with other professional organizations from the day the draft law was presented to the first parliament and stated that it could be an obstacle to the freedom of press and expression. For this reason, we emphasize once again that we will continue our struggle until the law is withdrawn.”   'OUR IMPRISONED COLLEAGUES SHOULD BE FREE'   In the evaluation part of the report, which also touched upon the situation of 16 journalists who were detained in Amed(Diyarbakır) on June 8 and arrested on June 16, it was said: "It has been completed after 10 months. No decision has yet been made regarding the indictment submitted by the Prosecutor's Office to the Diyarbakır 4th High Criminal Court. We expect the court, which has been examining the indictment since March 28, to give a hearing date as soon as possible and make a decision on the freedom of our imprisoned colleagues, and we state that we will continue our struggle until this is achieved.”   The rights violations reflected in the report were listed as follows:   VIOLATIONS OF JOURNALIST'S RIGHT TO LIFE AND SECURITY   * Journalists attacked: 8   *Journalists whose house was raided: 1   * Journalists detained: 16   *Arrested journalists:1   * Journalists subjected to ill-treatment:4   *Threatened journalists:1   * Journalists whose news tracking is blocked: 12   VIOLATIONS OF FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND EXPRESSION AGAINST JOURNALISTS   *Journalists Against Investigation: 4   *Journalists Against Lawsuits: 5   *Number of Punished Journalists: 3   * Imprisonment: 2 years   * Fine: 48,746 TL   JOURNALISTS WITH CONTINUING TRIAL   * Number of Files: 41   * Number of Persons: 77   *Number of Arrested Journalists (as of 01 April 2023): 87   * Violations of Journalist's Economic/Social Rights   *Dismissed Journalists: 2   PREVENTION AND CENTURY OF THE PRESS AND MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS   *RTÜK Penalties Program Suspension: 13   * Number of Penalties: 10   * Broadcast Ban Decision: 1   ACCESS OBSTACLE TO INTERNET-DIGITAL MEDIA MEDIA   *Closed Website: 8   *News With Access Barrier: 330   *Social Media Content with Access Barriers: 1084