Urfa prisons report: Problem of clean water after the flood 2023-04-11 15:44:29   URFA - ÖHD Urfa Branch, in its report on the prisons in the city, stated that there was a problem of clean water after the flood disaster.   The Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) Urfa Branch prepared a report on the violations of rights in Urfa Type 1 and 2 T Closed Prison and Siverek Type T Closed Prison. ÖHD shared the report it prepared at the press conference at the association building.   ÖHD Riha Branch Prison Commission Coordinator Faik Payam said that despite all efforts and applications, many problems continue to become chronic. Payam said that the biggest problem experienced is that the prison is overfilled, the doctor's referrals are delayed, the personal and ward cleaning cannot be done due to the lack of clean water, and the needs cannot be met due to the exorbitant price increases in canteen.   the Payam listed the following findings:   “* A.S. in the Urfa Prison No. 2 female prisoner named M.S. and her husband in Urfa Prison No. 1 It has been recorded by us that they were subjected to a nude search on the night they were brought to the prison. It is necessary to take immediate action against the officers who committed crimes with torture and ill-treatment, and those responsible should be prosecuted.   * Even though there was no physical harm in the prison during the earthquake, the request of the prisoners to receive news from their families in the following hours was not met for a long time, their communication opportunities were limited, and there were problems in the requests for doctors after the earthquake, especially those with dental diseases had serious problems in this regard, It was determined that the hospital referrals were made in bad conditions, that they faced ill-treatment on their way to and from the hospital, and that the body searches were made in a dishonorable manner during the transfer, so the prisoners could not go to the hospital.   *There was a problem of clean water with the recent flood disaster, the water was cut off for a long time after the flood, only one hour of water was given in the last period, but it was not enough for drinking and cleaning, it was necessary to take water from the canteen, but it was very expensive, and there was also enough drinking water It was learned that he was not in the canteen.   * There are prisoners who have chronic illnesses and are seriously ill, but the evacuation of Şanlıurfa Type E Prison and the transfer to these prisons cause health problems due to the fact that the wards are both crowded and not enough clean water.   * In general, one of the most common problems experienced by women is the inability to reach their personal belongings. It was determined that there were problems in the supply of needs such as pads and shampoos, and that their needs were not met by the prison administration.   * It has been recorded that with the arbitrary decisions of the Administrative Observation Boards, which has become a systematic violation of rights, the demands of the prisoners whose conditional release date has been rejected, the request for the conditional release of the prisoners was rejected arbitrarily, unlawfully.