Statement from HPG for Lokman Görgün 2023-04-13 15:16:53   NEWS CENTER - HPG made a statement regarding the murder of father of 8 children Lokman Görgün and their member Musa Kahraman in Mardin.   HPG made a statement regarding HPG's Musa Kahraman (Xebatkar/Çiyager) and his uncle, Lokman Görgün, who is the father of 8 children, who were killed and suspected of being executed in the Omeriya (Ömeryan) region of Mardin. In the statement in the ANF, pointing out that the attacks continued despite the decision of "inaction", it was stated that "The Turkish army executed Lokman Görgün, a civilian, unarmed and innocent Kurdish patriot, without trial and committed a war crime."