Rubble sit-in in Malatya! 2023-04-14 11:18:25 MALATYA - The residents of Memurek District, who have been on guard against the rubble dump in Malatya for 8 days, continue their struggle with the platform they have established.   Debris removal works continue in Malatya, where Maraş-centered earthquakes have caused destruction. The debris spilled into the Memurek region of the Batalgazi district, where the İnönü University campus and 16 neighborhoods are located, drew a reaction from the citizens, especially from the Memurek neighborhood. As a result of the reactions, the debris spillage was taken from that area and started to pour into the area in Çermiktî (Yeşilyurt) district, where the city cemetery is located; however, when the debris spilled into Memurek, where agriculture is a livelihood, did not move, the residents of the neighborhood formed the Memurek Support Platform and started a sit-in. Stating that a gravel quarry and Solar Power Plant (GES) were built in their region 5 years ago, and now rubble is poured, the Civil Service said that the rubble spreads disease and their nature is polluted, and that they have been on guard for 8 days and will continue the sit-in until the rubble is removed.   RESIDENTS ON SIT-IN   Platform member Nazife Onay said that they set up the platform on March 1 after the rubble and started to show their reactions, and they continued the sit-in for 8 days. Onay said: "According to scientists, there are asbestos and many chemicals in the rubble, which cause many diseases. These mix with soil and water, the effect lasts for 100 years. For this reason, we started actions as a platform. As a result of our actions, the pouring process was stopped. We applied to the court. Unmasked for 2 months. We are face to face with this rubble. We will resist until the rubble is removed. No steps were taken until the roadblock action, they could not find a contact person, and that the dumping process was stopped with the blocking action. The livelihood of the region is agriculture, and that the fields have already been narrowed with the crushed stone quarry and 20 thousand SPP panels, and stated that the aim is to destroy them. Addressing environmental organizations, Onay called for support.   Bayram Toprak, a resident of the Memurek neighborhood, stated that 10 nearby neighborhoods were affected by the rubble, and said: "The rubble quarry, the GES, and now the rubble is affecting our life. Rubbles and the plunder of nature are narrowing our living space. We want this rubble to be removed as soon as possible."   MA / Mahmut Altıntaş