'The members of the Decree Law will prefer the law on May 14' 2023-04-15 16:05:47 VAN/DİYARBAKIR - Noting that they will not give up the struggle for democracy, freedom and a humane life against the implementation of the Decree Law, the representatives of NGOs in Van and Diyarbakır said that they will make their choices in favor of rights and law on May 14.   Public Workers Unions Confederation (KESK) Van Branches Platform, Genel-İş Branch, Human Rights Association (İHD) Branch, Van-Colemêrg Medical Chamber, Union of Turkish Chambers of Architects and Engineers (TMMOB) Provincial Coordination Board (İKK) and Van Bar Association made a press statement in front of the İHD building against the State of Emergency, the State of Emergency and trustee practices. In the statement where the banner "Let the Decree Laws be cancelled" was unfurled, the slogans of "Biji berxwedana kedkaran(Long live workers", "The trustees will go, the people will come" and "The day will come, the AKP will give an account to the people" were shouted. IHD Van Branch Secretary Serdar Çevik read the text of the statement attended by the representatives of the institution.   'THE PRESSURE ON THE JUDICIARY CAUSES THE UNLAWFULNESS'   Sefer Tuğrul, Head of the Energy Industry and Mining Public Workers' Union (ESM) Branch, made a statement: “Dozens of people lost their lives after this persecution, extradition decisions were made after they died. Those who gathered votes and seized power with the literature of victimization, suffered the worst of grievances. We know that at least 100 people took their own lives as a result of this lawlessness. As if these were not enough, they made the mistake of making expulsion decisions with the temporary article 35 added to the Decree Law No. 375 and educating the workers with bread. While the one-man regime condemned the people to hunger, poverty and lawlessness, the State of Emergency Commission, one of the anti-democratic practices of the one-man regime, made arbitrary decisions and committed legal murders. Arbitrary decisions of the State of Emergency Commission are now continuing through the judiciary, and the AKP-MHP government's pressure on the judiciary causes the unlawfulness of the Decree to continue.”   'WE WILL CONTINUE OUR STRUGGLE'   Tuğrul continued: “From the first day, as KESK, we have shouted that dismissals are anti-democratic and unlawful, both with our de facto legitimate struggle and our legal struggle. We shout out loud and loud each time. We never gave up our struggle for democratic socialist unionism, we defended and will continue to defend an honorable peace against war, life against death, white against black, pluralism against monism, and light against darkness. We are shouting once again from here that we will continue our struggle until our last friend is reinstated and this persecution ends, and that no power can prevent us from this struggle."