'Debris removal operations should be stopped' 2023-04-17 15:52:31     ANKARA- Ankara Earthquake Solidarity Platform demanded that the rubble removal operations carried out in Samandağ without any precautions be stopped.   The Ankara Earthquake Solidarity Platform made a press statement in front of the Ankara Branch of the Human Rights Association (İHD) regarding the removal of debris in the earthquake area. In the statement, the banner "Stop asbestos, protect life" was carried. Fatin Kanat, member of the coordination center of the platform, read the press release.   'DISASTER STILL CONTINUES'   Saying that they experienced an earthquake disaster due to the corruption system, Kanat said: “We experienced an earthquake on February 6th. We woke up to a disaster because of the corruption system and this disaster is still going on. Debris removal operations were started before we could even take our dead. They continue to bring us face to face with disasters again and again before we can heal our wounds. The rubble falling right next to the tent cities and residential areas in Samandağ is a new addition to this ongoing state disaster. Asbestos emitted from spilled rubble is dangerous enough to affect not only people but all life in the area. The people of the earthquake victims who express this danger are being tried to be removed from the region by force."   'THE RUBBLE REMOVAL OPERATIONS SHOULD BE STOPPED'   Stating that they will continue their solidarity with the earthquake victims, Kanat said: "The rubble removal operations should be stopped immediately, without separating the rubble, without taking care of the safety of those working in the rubble removal business and the environment, before determining the appropriate areas where the rubble will be removed, without prioritizing human and environmental health. We emphasize the necessity of carrying out the rubble removal operations with the approval of the committees in which architecture, civil engineering, health, city and environment chambers and institutions and local people are involved and supervised. We stand by the people of Samandağ and the region. From here, we send greetings to those who continue the Watch of Life. Solidarity is alive."