Altan: Being of journalist has been turned into an indictment like a crime 2023-04-19 12:00:12 AMED - Stating that their reporting has been turned into an indictment like a criminal element, Arrested DFG Co-chair Serdar Altan called on the democratic public opinion and professional media organizations to "not remain silent against unlawfulness against journalists".   As part of the operation carried out in Amed(Diyarbakır) on June 8, 22 people, including 20 journalists, were detained. After 8 days of detention, 16 journalists were arrested. After more than 10 months of detention, the indictment against the journalists was accepted by the Diyarbakır 4th High Criminal Court.   Serdar Altan, co-chairperson of the Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG), held in Diyarbakır No. 2 High Security Prison, made a statement about the indictment prepared against them through his lawyer.   Altan's statement is as follows: "As it is known, 16 journalists whose sole aim is to convey the truth to the public, were detained and arrested in an operation on June 8, 2022. After more than 10 months, our indictment was finally prepared. During this time, we were held in prison unlawfully. Our detention has gone beyond being a precaution and has almost turned into a punishment. And despite all our persistent calls and efforts, this unlawfulness did not end. The indictment prepared after all this time was accepted by the court, but the Diyarbakır 4th High Criminal Court, where the case was opened, postponed it for three more months and set a hearing date for July 11. In addition, our request to be released with probation is also rejected, and the existing unlawfulness is persistently tried to be continued. Nevertheless, despite all this, we see the preparation of the indictment as a positive step. This development is important in this respect. From the very beginning, we tried to say that we are not guilty of anything, that what we do is purely journalism and that journalism is not a crime.   DO NOT REMAIN SILENT AGAINST UNLAWFULNESS LAW   On this occasion, we call on our colleagues, professional press organizations and the whole public to increase solidarity and not to remain silent against unlawfulness against journalists.   Hope to see you on July 11…”