'Workers will affect the election' 2023-04-24 11:08:02   ISTANBUL- Pointing out the pressure and attacks against workers and laborers, TTB President Şebnem Korur Fincancı said: "For these reasons, the preferences of workers and laborers will affect the election."   Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions (DİSK), Confederation of Public Workers Unions (KESK), Turkish Medical Association (TTB) and Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) announced that they will celebrate May 1 Labor Day in Maltepe Square. The said institutions continue to work towards visiting the workers and inviting them to May 1 as they move towards May 1.   TTB Central Council President Şebnem Korur Fincancı and All Automotive Metal Workers Union (TOMİS) Central Executive Committee member Dilbent Türker talked about May 1 Labor Day and the election process that will take place 2 weeks after May 1.   A CALL FOR A NEW CENTURY   Stating that they will participate in the May 1 rallies in all cities, TTB MK President Şebnem Korur Fincancı said: "We will attend the rally to be held in Maltepe Square as the TTB headquarters and the Istanbul Medical Chamber (ITO). For more than 2 years, we have been trying to protect our labor with the motto 'Effort is our word'. The next May 1 has a different meaning. Turkey is going to an election on May 14. We hope that it will be a period of struggle where we can create a new century where freedoms, peace, justice, humane living conditions and the right to life of all living things can be protected, where Turkey can be rebuilt; therefore, May 1 is also our call to the whole society because we all saw it first in the pandemic; They have destroyed this country with all their policies.   EARTHQUAKE AND ELECTION   Pointing to the earthquake that took place in Maraş and Hatay on February 6 and February 20, Fincancı said: "50 thousand people who lost their lives, and stated that with this situation, the 'earthquake policy' of the government was also under the rubble. The information that Family and Health Centers (FHCs) were at the forefront of the places that should not be demolished in the earthquake, but 9 out of 10 FHCs were destroyed only in Adıyaman. For this reason, the injured could not access vaccines and preventive health services. For this reason, May 1 means to stand up and express our rights again and to create a will that will re-establish this country on May 14th.”   'THE STABILITY OF WORKERS WILL AFFECT MAY 14'   Stating that existing situations and every action taken affect and reinforce each other, Fincancı said: “The determination of the workers, their will to live together in peace to get their rights, the will of freedom, their struggle against exploitation of their labor will inevitably affect the elections we will hold on May 14. We have a responsibility to spread this will in the most visible form throughout Turkey."   ‘WORKERS SHOULD DETERMINE THEIR OWN FATE’   Stating that there are millions of workers and laborers all over the world who “make rich” a small minority, TOMİS VQA Member Dilbent Türker said: "Workers should determine their own destiny. Promises to the workers that came with the elections, or the pressures, attacks, etc. made to silence the workers, show us that: Workers should determine their own destiny because the size of the productive power is in itself and now they need to unite and organize against the enemies of workers, misogynists, and children. In this sense, neither the current government nor the future government will be able to live on the backs of the workers and oppress them.   INVITATION TO MAY 1   Türker concluded his speech as follows: “We need to be in the fields of struggle every day, especially on May 1, in order to repel attacks on our rights and our efforts, to hold accountable for our lives lost in the earthquake, and to hold accountable for workers who lost their lives in occupational accidents. Especially on May 1, we have to carry the May Day, which has been purged from the struggle of the workers who have been suppressed since 1977 and tried to be ignored, and which is intended to give a festive atmosphere, to the fields in an organized sense with the spirit of real struggle. In this sense, we invite everyone to those who take May 1 and to the squares.”