Köylüoğlu: MİT-Parastin-Hezbollah carried out the assassinations 2023-04-24 14:03:35   NEWS CENTER - Stating that the MIT-Parastin-Hezbollah trio carried out the assassinations in the Federated Kurdistan Region, Journalist Azizi Köylüoğlu said: "Intelligence and weapon support are provided by Parastin and MIT, and the shooters were mostly selected from Hezbollah members."   Assassinations against Kurdish politicians and patriots continue in the Federated Kurdistan Region. In the last year, only 5 people lost their lives in Sulaymaniyah as a result of an armed attack. Nagihan Akarsel, a member of the Jineology Research Center in Sulaymaniyah on October 4, 2022; Süheyl Xurid Eziz (Mamoste Şemal), member of the Executive Council of the Azadi Movement, on August 28; a tradesman Zeki Çelebi on May 17; PKK Committee member Yasin Bulut (Şukri Serhed) on September 17, 2021, and a citizen named Hüseyin Türeli in Duhok on April 18, 2023, were killed as a result of an armed attack and also a citizen named Ferhad Barış Kondu was attacked in Sulaymaniyah, seriously injured as a result on September 16, 2021. Parastin, the secret intelligence of the MIT and KDP, is held responsible for the assassinations.   Journalist Aziz Köylüoğlu made evaluations to Mesopotamia Agency (MA) about the assassinations in the Federated Kurdistan Region.   MIT-PARASTIN-HEZBOLLAH TRIO   Journalist Köylüoğlu stated that there were assassinations in the region where the perpetrators were known but the perpetrators were not caught, and that the majority of the attacks were carried out by a trio of gangs. Köylüoğlu said: “These assassinations started in 2021 and patriotic northern and southern Kurds were assassinated, especially in city centres. One of them is the murder of a patriot known as Mamoste Şemal in Kifri. Of course, these events are all systematic events. In fact, there is a trio currently carrying out these assassinations. On the one hand, there is the MIT, on the other hand, there is a structure known as Parastin, also known as the intelligence power of the KDP. In the north, there is Hezbollah, which carried out assassinations in the 1990s. It is currently engaged in politics as HUDA PAR. This political current is gang structuring. As you know, HUDA PAR was founded in 2012 and was created as a political organization. Soon after, it opened a representative office in Southern Kurdistan. Since then, they have had very good relations with the KDP. In particular, the KDP establishes itself through such relations. Many members of HUDA PAR are actively working in the region. Of course, they are considered Hezbollah. The Hezbollah of the North is currently active in Southern Kurdistan. These assassinations take place with the alliance of MIT-Parastin-Hezbollah. In general, hitmen are mostly selected from Hezbollah members. Intelligence, logistics, weapons and similar support are also provided by Parastin and MIT. But most of the hitmen are Hezbollah members, they are chosen from Northern Kurds. And these people are brought to the region and murders are carried out on them, and then they can leave the region without being subjected to any reunion, arrest or anything like that."   ASSASSINATION POLICY   Saying that a message was given to the Kurdish people in the person of Kurdish politicians, Köylüoğlu said: "Why did such an event take place in Dohuk now? This is an interesting thing. Now Hüseyin Türeli has been living in Duhok for a long time and is a tradesman. He has a shop in the shopping mall, one of the busiest places, he sells pastries and everybody knows he is there. He was attacked last year. He survived that attack with injuries. But this year they shot him. Besides, there is a security system like Family Mall and all kinds of security units inside. The situation differs here. They could have caught the MIT and taken them to Turkey instead they chose to shoot. This is a message of course. It should be clearly stated that there is a serious message behind this attack. It carries the message that we can shoot anyone, both in a safe place and in a place like Duhok. These assassinations are implemented as a policy to frighten and intimidate patriotic Kurds in particular. Their aims are clear. They say that their aim is whoever does patriotism in a real sense, where he does true Kurdishness, is our target. The role of the state and of course collaborators is also important here. They want to give the message to people that they are going to shoot."   RESISTANCE AGAINST THE POLITICS OF ASSOCIATION   Saying that the regions dominated by the KDP have become the centers of Hezbollah and MIT, Köylüoğlu said: "The MIT, PARASTIN and Hezbollah triad have now formed an alliance. This alliance supports each other in the Northern Kurdistan and Turkey elections. Kurds must resist this assassination policy. And if they can resist in this way, they can only nullify these attacks otherwise, it cannot nullify these attacks. Especially patriotic Kurds should not hide these attacks."   'ATTACKS ARE HIDDEN'   Pointing out that the incidents were covered up and the ground was created for attacks on Kurdish patriots, Köylüoğlu said: "For example, in the previous Hüseyin Türeli attack, there was a situation like this. We, as local press workers, brought this situation to the agenda. When we brought it up, they wanted the attack to be hidden, including his family, his circle and himself. and they said, 'We have agreed, they will not interfere with us, as long as you do not spread the news, withdraw your news.' It seems that by hiding such things, hiding such threats, hiding blackmails, they are providing a basis for attacks on the patriots; however, their reaction is at the highest level. They should be able to demonstrate under all circumstances and conditions. But these attacks can only stop like this."