Police: You are a terrorist, not a journalist 2023-04-26 17:09:17   ANKARA - While the police, who stopped the Green Left Party's election convoy, detained 3 people, they made an idealist sign to the journalists who wanted to shoot those moments and said: "You are not a journalist, you are a terrorist."   The Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) was stopped by the police on the grounds of "obstructing the traffic" while proceeding as a convoy in the traffic to open the election office in Ankara's Mamak district. The convoy, which was kept at Dikmen Junction for a long time, caused one lane of the road to be closed.   Security branch teams and riot police were directed to the intersection for the convoy of the Green Left Party. Ankara 3rd district MP candidate Alişan Şahin, who condemned the police blockade, said: "We are not allowed to make a convoy by the police. Which political party is making such an obstacle? See this disgrace."   3 PEOPLE WERE DETAINED   The police attacked and battered the party members, the lawyers in the convoy and the journalists who followed the news. Meanwhile, a commissioner made an idealist gesture to the journalists and said: “You are not a journalist, you are a terrorist." Journalists were prevented from taking pictures.   After the police attack, 3 persons, including the driver of the announcement vehicle, were detained.