Semra Güzel: The Kurdish people on trial are the reality 2023-04-28 15:11:49   ANKARA - Imprisoned HDP MP Semra Güzel stated that the Kurdish people on trial are the reality, and it was decided to continue her detention in the hearing.   The third hearing of the trial of Semra Güzel, the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır Member of Parliament, who was arrested on September 3 after some photos in the investigation file launched against her were released to the press, was held at the Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court. Her lawyers were present at the hearing, where Güzel was connected with SEGBİS from Sincan Women's Closed Prison.   'JUSTIFIED DEMANDS OF THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE BEEN TRIED'   Emphasizing that the file is too complex to be examined in a short time and that part of the file has not been reached yet, Güzel said: “Many things that are not related to me have been added to the file. The only thing in the file that belongs to me is the photo that was released in the press. The accusations against me are more about the reality of the Kurdish people than me. We have been witnessing such cases for years. The reality of a people is on trial, and today, the reality of the Kurdish people is being tried in my person. We are fighting this in these halls. As the Kurds continued to insist on democratic politics, they were caught in the grip of the judiciary. By doing politics, we are taken for what we say, for marching. Why did I keep silent, why did I speak, why did I laugh at the report, these are not empty things, because they are the subject of accusation. The main subject of judgment is the just demands of the people. It will not be possible to make an independent assessment without addressing the Kurdish issue. It is also significant that this file was not opened before entering politics. It is the message to people that they can't choose the person they want. The same justifications were created for the trustees, as well as for our arrested politicians.”   'THE VIOLATION OF RIGHT'   Emphasizing that the case was brought as a result of a political lynching campaign, Lawyer Nuray Özdoğan said: “Continuing holding of her as a prisoner increases the violation in the file. She is a politician and lives this judgment because of her political place and party. Our client's file is also included in the party closure case, but Semra Güzel did not consider the file of Semra Güzel, which was included in the last treasury blocking decision of the Constitutional Court, as sufficient evidence. In other words, our client's file is controversial in the closure case. Her arrest as a politician is a violation of her right to carry out politics by preventing her from doing political activities during the election process. We know that there is great pressure on you, but as a requirement of an independent trial, we demand an end to our client's arrest.”   THE HEARING WAS ADJOURNED   The court decided to continue the arrest of Güzel, citing the fact that the defense was not over, and adjourned the hearing to 14 July.