There were no female MPs from 31 cities. 2023-05-15 12:50:16 NEWS CENTER - According to the unofficial results of the Presidential and 28th Term Parliamentary Elections, while there were no female MPs in 31 cities, 2 cities sent female MPs to the Parliament for the first time.   While the data flow of the Supreme Election Board (YSK) for the Presidential and 28th Term Parliamentary Elections continues, according to unofficial figures, the photograph of the Parliament has also begun to be determined. According to the data released so far, no female MPs have emerged from 31 cities.   The cities where women MPs do not appear are as follows: “Semsûr(Adıyaman), Aksaray, Amasya, Ardahan, Artvin, Bayburt, Bilecik, Çewlig(Bingöl), Bolu, Burdur, Çanakkale, Çorum, Xarpêt(Elazığ), Erzincan, Gümüşhane, Îdir(Iğdır), Karabük, Kırıkkale, Karaman, Kırklareli, Kırşehir, Kilis , Kütahya, Niğde, Ordu, Rize, Sinop, Tokat, Uşak, Yozgat and Zonguldak.”   THE FIRST WOMEN CANDIDATES IN OSMANİYE AND GIRESUN   On the other hand, Giresun sent a woman MP to the Parliament for the first time in its history. Elvan Işık Gezmiş, who is on the CHP list, became the first woman to be represented in the Parliament with the votes she received. Again in Osmaniye, women MPs were sent to the Parliament for the first time. Derya Yanık from the AKP and Asu Kaya Gedik from the CHP became the women MPs who went to the Parliament from Osmaniye for the first time.