Esmer Tunç forbidden to enter her village! 2023-05-19 10:42:44   ŞIRNAK - The entrance to the village of Esmer Tunç, the mother of Cizîr People's Council Co-chair Mehmet Tunç, was banned by the governorship.   Entrances to the villages of Şırnak and its districts, which were evacuated in the 1990s with the State of Emergency (OHAL), are subject to a permit, even after 30 years. Entry barriers to villages continue with bans announced by the governor's office. The Governor's Office declared 14 regions in Şırnak center and Cizîr (Cizre), Silopiya (Silopi), Qileban (Uludere), Basa (Güçlükonak) and Elkê (Beytüşşebap) districts as "special security zones" for 15 days and closed the entrance and exit points for 15 days.   Cizîr People's Council Co-Chairs Mehmet Tunç and Orhan Tunç's mother Esmer Tunç (70), who were burned to death in the basement where she was trapped during the 79-day curfew declared on December 14, 2015 in Cizîr district, and Esmer Tunç (70), who she has been going to for 20 years with "permission", Cudî This year, she cannot go to the village of Cifanê.   Tunç, who applied to the Şırnak Governor's Office to go to her village, was not allowed on the grounds of the lawsuit filed against her for "being a member of a terrorist organization" on the grounds that she participated in the Newroz event in 2002. Tunç was blocked by the soldiers at the entrance of the village, and she was told to apply to the governor's office again to get permission.   Tunç, who has dialysis disease and has difficulty in carrying out, has condemned the ban decision by stating that he has been able to go to the village with the permissions she has received every spring and summer for 20 years.   TUNÇ IS GOING TO THE VILLAGE WITH PERMISSION FOR 20 YEARS   Stating that their village was burned and evacuated about 30 years ago, Tunç said: “For 20 years, I had already been going to the village with permission; however, this year, I was forbidden to enter the village. 8 years after the village was burned, entry to the village was prohibited. But for the last 20 years, people have been able to enter their vineyards and gardens with permission. People in the village do their agriculture and feed their animals. As long as you get permission, they don't cause much trouble to go to the village. Every year, with the warming of the weather, I could go to Şırnak and get the necessary permissions and go to the village. But when I asked permission to go to the village the other day, the soldier at the entrance of the village stopped us and they did a General Information Scan (GBT). Then they said that It is forbidden to enter the village on your record. They made excuses and punished me for my participation in the 2002 Nevroz.   TUNÇ ASKED FOR THE BAN TO BE LIFT    Stating that she has a house and a garden in her village where the entrance is blocked, Tunç wanted the blocking to end. Tunç said: "My garden, my house, my animals and my electricity subscriber are forbidden even though they are in the village. The soldiers at the security point said I can pass this time, but they won't let me anymore, because I objected to the situation. There are already state police stations all over the village and their eyes are on us all the time. I do not accept this."