13 people detained in Mardîn 2023-05-23 14:54:15   MARDİN - 13 people were detained in house raids in Mardîn early in the morning.   A large number of houses were raided early in the morning hours in the districts of Qoser (Kızıltepe), Nisêbîn (Nusaybin), Stewr (Savur) and Dêrik (Derik) in Mardîn. 13 people were detained in the raids. The names of those detained on charges of "aiding a terrorist organization" are as follows: "Mahmut Damar, Metin Yılmaz, Sami İldem, Şükrü Durgan, Abdullah Çelik, Yavuz Demirkıran, Osman Siği, Recep Türk, Hüseyin Söylemez, Şiyar Koç, Faris Alak, Fırat Demir and Mehmet Şerif Kavak."