15 people detained in Mardin, Manisa and Şırnak 2023-05-24 10:27:02   NEWS CENTER - 15 people were detained in house raids in Merdin, Manisa and Şırnak.   15 people were detained in house raids carried out by the police early in the morning hours in the central Artuklu, Kerboran (Dargeçit) districts of Mardin, Manisa and Hezex (Idil) district of Şırnak.   Three brothers, Ramazan, Agit and Heja Kalkan, and two brothers, Hividar and Berivan Taş, were detained from the same house in a house raid in the Saraçoğlu District of Artuklu district of Mardin. Fırat Akar and Rojhat Altaş were also detained in Artuklu district. It has been learned that they were taken into custody as part of an investigation launched by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office regarding the HDP Youth Council's congress. It was stated that the prisoners will be taken to Amed(Diyarbakır).   In Kerboran, Merve Oğuz and another person whose name could not be learned were detained. It was stated that the detention stemmed from an investigation initiated by the Mardin Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.   On the other hand, the statement proceedings in the Gendarmerie of 17 people who were detained in house raids carried out as part of a different investigation yesterday in Mardin continue.   3 PEOPLE WERE DETAINED AT HEZEX   Young people named Civan Karaviş, Ümit Geçgel and Yusuf Kargol were detained in house raids in the Hezex district of Şirnak. While it was stated that the 3 detained persons were taken to the district police headquarters, the reason for their detention could not be learned.   On the other hand, it was stated that the number of detentions in the city may increase.   DETENTION OF GREEN LEFT PARTY DIRECTORS   In Manisa, the members and executives of the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) were detained in house raids early in the morning. Green Left Party Saruhanlı District Manager Gülsüm Tozan and Green Left Party Manisa Deputy Candidate Candidate Ayşe Karagöz were detained in the raids carried out in Saruhanlı district. Kardelen Çetin, daughter of Green Left Party Manisa Provincial Co-Spokesperson Hasret Çetin, was detained in Yunusemre district.   Citizens detained as part of an investigation conducted by the Manisa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office were taken to the Provincial Security Directorate.