Second round call to voters: Let's destroy fascism 2023-05-25 10:19:05   VAN - Drawing attention to the importance of the second round elections, called for voters to vote, Green Left Party MP Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit said: "Let's destroy this fascism on May 28 with all our might."   The marathon, which started in March after the election decision was published in the Official Gazette, extended to the second round on May 14, with the absence of 50 percent plus a vote in the Presidential elections. Millions of voters will go to the polls once again on May 28 and will choose between Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the candidate of the Nation Alliance, and Tayyip Erdoğan, the candidate of the People's Alliance. The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party), which maintains its qualification as the 3rd party of the Parliament in the May 14 elections, continues its efforts for the May 28 elections with the strategy of "regressiveening fascism". Explaining the importance of the second round elections to the voters, the Green Left Party members continue their calls for the people to go to the polls. Green Left Party Van MP Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyigit, who continues her work in the constituency, called out: "Let's destroy fascism, let's overthrow this fascism on May 28 with all our might."   'FIGHT AGAINST ONE-MAN REGIME'   Referring to the alliance of the People's Alliance with HUDA PAR and the Welfare Party to stay in power, Kaçmaz said: "These parties are based on misogyny. We will fight against this alliance. Our fight will be against this system. We will fight against both the one-man regime and the mentality it feeds. The women in the Green Left Party are the subjects of these studies. We promise that we exist in life, that we represent it in the best way and that we will continue its struggle in every field.”   ‘WE WILL DEFEAT FASCISM ON MAY 28’   Calling the ballot box for the second round of elections to be held on May 28, Kaçmaz said: “We believe that we will achieve success on May 28. We will defeat fascism, which we stopped on May 14, on May 28. It is a historical responsibility and a historical duty for each of us. Today, we should not have the luxury of being offended or offended. We have thousands of comrades in prison who have their eyes on us. There are our comrades in exile, thousands of people who have gained their profession through the state of emergency, trustees and decree laws. We have to go to that ballot box for them. We have to go for the future of our children. Let's vote on May 28, vote for change and oust this government."