Police threatening journalists with death denied permission to investigate 2023-05-31 15:49:20 VAN - The Van Governor's Office did not allow an investigation to be launched against the police, who threatened the journalists who followed the news with death, on the grounds that "The police used his gun to protect himself".   The journalists who followed the marching crowd after the People's Democratic Party (HDP) World Peace Day rally in Wan on September 1, 2022, were beaten by the police and threatened with death. One of the journalists who followed the mass, Mesut Bağcı, was beaten, his camera was broken, and a plainclothes policeman who introduced himself as a member of the TEM Branch, threatened Mezopotamya Agency (MA) reporter Berivan Kutlu and JINNEWS reporter Zelal Tunç with death. The police also pulled a gun on JINNEWS reporter Elfazi Toral, threatening the journalists with "I will shoot you, no one will find you".   'THE POLICE PROTECTED HIMSELF!'   After the incident reflected in the images, the journalists filed a criminal complaint with the Van Public Prosecutor's Office. Van Governor's Office did not allow the investigation of police M.K. The governor's office accused the journalists of "making news in favor of the terrorist organization and desbasing the police force". In the letter sent to the prosecutor's office by the governor's office, it was claimed that the police, wearing a red T-shirt, took his hand to his gun in order to protect himself and his personal weapon.    Journalists will apply to the Van Regional Administrative Court.