53 people kidnapped, hundreds of trees cut down in Afrin 2023-06-01 11:29:28   NEWS CENTER - According to the Afrin-Syria Human Rights Organization, 53 people were kidnapped and hundreds of trees were cut down in Afrin in May.   The Afrin-Syrian Human Rights Organization released the information it obtained about the events in the last month in Afrin, which is under the control of Turkey and its affiliated paramilitary structures. According to the news in ANHA; In May, 53 people were abducted on empty and unfounded grounds, and thousands of dollars were demanded from those who were kidnapped.   A CHILD KILLED AT AKP CELEBRATION   After Erdoğan won the elections on May 28, paramilitary groups affiliated with Turkey opened fire and “celebrated”. During the "celebrations" in question, a child was killed and 25 people were injured in the Mehmudi camp.   OLIVE TREES ARE CUT   Attacks on the nature of Afrin have been continuing since March 18, 2018. In May, more than 900 olive trees and fruit trees were cut down in the city centre, Mabata and Reco counties. The wood was sold in Afrin, Ezaz, Idlib and Jarablus markets.   DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE IS CHANGING   It was stated that paramilitary groups in cooperation with Qatar, Kuwait and Palestinian organizations are building new settlements in Afrin. 50 houses were built in Şadêr village of Şêrawa district and excavations were carried out on 30 hectares of land. It was noted that with these new structures, the demographics of the region were tried to be changed.