Mehmet Öcalan: If the isolation continues, we are all guilty 2023-06-15 10:19:50   URFA - Condemning the absolute isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Mehmet Öcalan said: "The isolation has no precedent in the world. If the isolation continues, we are all guilty."   It has been 810 days since he was brought to Turkey by an international conspiracy on February 15, 1999, that he could not hear from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and other prisoners Hamili Yıldırım, Veysi Aktaş and Ömer Hayri Konar, who have been held in heavy isolation in İmralı Type F High Security Closed Prison. The last date of contact with Abdullah Öcalan's family, whose communication with the outside was blocked by various allegations, was March 25, 2021. Abdullah Öcalan's phone call with his brother Mehmet Öcalan on that date was cut off after 4 and a half minutes. Since the meeting, hundreds of lawyers and family interview applications made to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and İmralı Prison were either cited as grounds for disciplinary penalties or were not answered. Finally, it was learned that the PKK leader was given a new 3-month family ban on March 15 and a new 6-month lawyer visitation ban on April 26.   Mehmet Öcalan, the brother of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who lives in the Amara neighborhood of Xelfetî (Halfeti) district of Urfa, condemned the isolation and emphasized that there is no precedent in the world.   'EVERYONE SHOULD CONDEMN THE ISOLATION'   Stating that opposition parties also played a role in the continuation of the isolation, Öcalan said: "The opposition parties are making 'zılgıt' against the policies of the government. No one should accept isolation. If a reality is to be built in the future, everyone must condemn the isolation. This is not the solution. The government is already killing us, the opposition should stop making zılgıt. We are a great power. We do not need either the government or the opposition. There has been no news from the president for 27 months, everyone has closed their ears and closed their eyes. In this way, neither the Kurdish Question nor the issues in the Middle East will be solved. If the isolation continues, everyone should question themselves. Democratic institutions must question themselves. No one should stay silent. If the isolation continues, we are all guilty.”   'THE CPT IS THE PARTNER OF TURKEY'   Referring to the recent 3-month ban on family and 6-month lawyer visits to the PKK Leader, Öcalan condemned the silence of international law institutions and said: "The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) is in partnership with Turkey in the crime. Just as they divided the Kurds into 4 parts in 1923, European countries continue to use the Kurds for their own interests today. Doesn't he know that the president has been in isolation for 27 months? This isolation is applied to the Kurds. Why are non-governmental organizations that present themselves as independent human rights organizations in the world silent and do nothing? It is our call to everyone; Everyone should do their humanitarian duty, we do not ask for charity from anyone. This call is for our politicians as well as international organizations. There are people who are fighting internationally to break the isolation, and we respect their efforts; however, we also hold accountable those who do not speak up even though they represent the Kurds, this is our democratic right. If we do not break the isolation, we will die every day.”   MA / Emrullah Acar